A couple of people chased the link I included for the artwork in this post. Those who didn’t really missed out. Don’t miss out today, Yehrin Tong’s artwork is amazing.
In case you can’t see it, here’s the thumbnail:
Have a wander in Yehrin Tong’s world, it’s wonderful.
OMG I’ve seen that before!!!
The one time I tried DMT (Nope! Nope! Once was enough!) that stuff was crawling all over the walls of the room.
Yes, I went and looked.
Amazing is putting it mildly.
That it is.
Yowza! The precision, the patience.
Yeah. I don’t think I could come close to mustering the patience to do something like this.
I love the colour version of the Evolution.
And yes, these are nifty and exquisite.
Some of Yehrin Tong’s work reminds me vaguely of M. C. Escher.
johnson catman
I think so, too.
It made me think of Omar Rayo.
Joseph, yes, I get Rayo too. He was an extraordinary artist. His works weren’t as tight as Tong’s, but they share that precision, and a same sense, too.