
  1. says

    I haven’t wandered out to see if we have a tulip blossom yet, the weather here has been miserable, gloomy, wet, and very very cold.

  2. blf says

    I haven’t wandered out to see if we have a tulip blossom yet, the weather here has been miserable, gloomy, wet, and very very cold.

    Don’t wander out then. Use a dog sled. Or, in your case, a forty-foot high killer rats wearing bird puppet suits sled. The mildly deranged penguin tells me tulips are not graceful fliers, unlike penguins, and you should be able to catch them quite easily. Both she and I are wondering, however, just how you stop a forty-foot high &tc sled?

  3. Kengi says

    We had a batch of yellow/yellow-white tulips well before Ēostre, but similar weather (and not feeling well) kept me from fooling around with pictures.

    The last couple of days here have been downright balmy. We were getting rain almost daily for awhile, but now the car needs washing (pollen) we are in a dry spell, of course. The driver’s side window has yellow fingerprints all over the top…

  4. blf says

    It’s raining here today! You takes aways ours Sun, ya did, ya did!! Ours precious precious Sun!!!

  5. says


    It’s raining here today! You takes aways ours Sun, ya did, ya did!! Ours precious precious Sun!!!

    I am not apologizing! We need it!

  6. voyager says

    Wonderful tulips. Ours are up, but not open yet. It shouldn’t be long though as it was quite sunny and warm today. Unfortunately, I was stuck in the house all day doing battle with paperwork and its associated pain in the neck.

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