I love dandelions! It irks me to end to hear people complain about the dandelions (and violets, and henbit deadnettle, and purple deadnettle, and wild onions etc.) that some people, myself included, allow to grow in their yards. I don’t want the bland monoculture that’s called a “lawn,” and not just because I’m allergic to grass.
Besides, how can anyone not love a plant that can be used to make both wine and coffee?
Ours just started blooming as well a couple of days ago. The bee certainly looks happy about it! I’m also hoping for more of the dwarf dandelions this year.
Besides, how can anyone not love a plant that can be used to make both wine and coffee?
And honey, and salad greens and flowers, and the flower buds are delicious sauteéd. I love them too, I think they are beautiful, and it’s a mystery to me how such a beautiful, bright flower became so hated. I hate golf course lawns.
I love dandelions! It irks me to end to hear people complain about the dandelions (and violets, and henbit deadnettle, and purple deadnettle, and wild onions etc.) that some people, myself included, allow to grow in their yards. I don’t want the bland monoculture that’s called a “lawn,” and not just because I’m allergic to grass.
Besides, how can anyone not love a plant that can be used to make both wine and coffee?
Ours just started blooming as well a couple of days ago. The bee certainly looks happy about it! I’m also hoping for more of the dwarf dandelions this year.
Salad! Though it’s no good anymore once it blooms.
I wanted to make dandelion honey this year but alas, no time.
And honey, and salad greens and flowers, and the flower buds are delicious sauteéd. I love them too, I think they are beautiful, and it’s a mystery to me how such a beautiful, bright flower became so hated. I hate golf course lawns.