A reader came up with a great name for the current administration, involving Tang. I quite like the Tang Regime. All the elder folks will remember Tang, no household was without it, after all, it was the drink of astronauts!
So, from now on, if you see the Tang Regime, you’ll understand.
We couldn’t always afford Tang®.
But we always had something like it.
Stuff was invented the year I was born.
If Ivanka later runs for office would that make it the Tang Dynasty? Because we already had one of those.
Bruce, Tang Dynasty was the original suggestion, but there’s no need to insult the real deal. Besides, as much as Trump wants to see his family as a dynasty, it’s more in line with a clan, yes?
More in line with a klan than a clan.
I don’t think Tang Clan would be a good idea.?
where did ? come from?
Yes, absolutely. As Chigau notes, though, clan/klan isn’t a good idea, bumps up against the Wu Tang Clan. No need to dis them, either. Hmmm.
Tang Gang! Lessee, faction, mob, sodality, coterie, crew, outfit, crush. Ohgods, The Tang Crush!
I don’t know, but I like it.
I can’t decide decide between Tang Gang and Tang Crush.
TangGang feels more threatening but TangCrush sounds like a J-Pop girl band, which would be waaay more insulting.
I have a seldom-used emoji virtual keyboard.
sometimes it seems to self-start
I’ll definitely use Tang Gang, but I must use Tang Crush. Must.
Whoah, Tang clan
Marcus, no, no, we can’t do Tang Clan.
How about “Gang Tang”?
Whilst I certainly remember Tang, I totally don’t get it! The only resemblance I can see is “orange”, but so what?
My thinking behind the nickname was:
1: Orange (yeah, easy)
2: A product that masquerades as one thing (orange juice) while actually being something else (sour KoolAide)
3: Something that professes to be good while actually supplying empty calories
4: I thought it amusing. Sorry.
I think you need to work a touch harder on not being a dismissive ass.
Tang: fake, orange, empty calories.
Trump: fake, orange, empty head.
It works for me, and I think it’s quite clever. If you don’t like it, you’re free to go sniff in the corner, because it will be used, by me, the blog owner.
Henceforth all pronouncements by the Orange Man will officially be called Tang Clangers.
:Laughs: That’s a lovely bit of mockery! I can hear John Cleese saying it. :D
I remember back in the 70’s small bands of Hare Krishnas parading down the shopping malls of our little city in their orange robes, perhaps they could get a new job accompanying presidential announcements.