Doing my best to disregard the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks.Thought it was going to be a smooth transition – NOT!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 28, 2016
Donald Trump again lashed out at President Barack Obama in a wounded tweet — and he was buried in online mockery.
The president-elect — who will keep using Twitter as “a really exciting part of the job,”according to his press secretary — pulled out his phone Wednesday morning to continue the feud that erupted when Obama suggested he could have beaten Trump.
Emphasis mine. Upon reading that, there was a headdesk with a bounce. A Twitter mosquito thinks he’s going to run a whole country. In light of the recent news that President Obama has been declared the most admired man of 2016, and this is the ninth time President Obama has been chosen as most admired man, I suppose we can expect that to occupy Trump’s tiny mind for some time to come.
I really, really wish this was some sort of bad joke that was going to end.
Via Raw Story.
Trump thought this would be a smooth transition?
Well fuck.
Well, Trump will simply declare himself to be the most admired man.
It’s moments like these when I can’t believe this is who has been chosen to be president.
The racism and bigotry stuff I can believe. It’s this temperament and immaturity that I would have thought would convince his racist supporters he’s not even remotely fit for the job.
I have a feeling, Saad, that they see it as perfectly legitimate, justified and ordinary behaviour. Possibly because they themselves behave something the same.
I’m also a bit staggered that this is an actual headline story, too: “Trump writes another [angry, petulant] tweet” (well, the CBC’s is close enough). There’s so much more to the horror that is about to be inaugurated than some tweets by the as-yet-unpresidented, but this is the focus? I dunno. Maybe there’s just too much wrong to focus on it for any length of time (I know I have trouble with that).
* not the CBC’s, The Toronto Star’s…
How can it not be? Trump himself says [tweeting] is a really exciting part of the job, that job being president of a country. Trump blurts out whatever is on that tiny mind on twitter, and whatever he tweets is how he actually thinks or feels, he’s not smart enough to dissemble, and he has no wit.
This is what the asshole is going to be doing in the white house -- tweeting, and getting all bent out of shape over minor shit. The big difference there? He’ll be able to start wars, and deploy weapons, because twitter.
Caine, #7
It’s like an episode of Black Mirror.
I suppose it makes sense if (since) twitter is going to be the main tool of his presidency.
Exciting, indeed.
Yep, this is why the rest of the world is laughing at the USA, but only as long as we’re not silently crying ourselves to sleep.
Thanks, twitter.
Gilliel… @ # 2: … Trump will simply declare himself to be the most admired man.
He is. He admires himself so yugely bigly that it dwarfs the collective admiration for anybody else of all the rest of us put together.
I hope each morning that I’ll see “Hillary Defeats Trump” on a reprint newspaper.
Maybe there’s that nagging feeling that there should be a law against someone who’s not the president interfering in the president’s conduct of foreign affairs matters?
Whoda thunk it! There’s been a law since forever but, just to make it clear, a Californian congressman is putting forward an additional, modern bill with a title even the mango mussolini might understand.
It’s called the “One President At A Time Act“.