Gee, just one post ago, I was commenting on how the constitution will glaringly highlight the hypocrisy of conservatives. Didn’t take long for blowhard Bill O’Reilly to jump onto the white supremacy ship. And I just don’t want to think about all the small-minded conservatives who are going to drink the poison kool-aid with nary a thought.
On Tuesday night, Fox News host Bill O’Reilly embraced white nationalism, criticizing minorities and liberals for trying to strip power from “the white establishment.”
“The left wants power taken away from the white establishment,” O’Reilly said, “They want a profound change in the way America is run. Taking power away from the white precincts is the quickest way to do that.”
O’Reilly was reacting to renewed criticism of the Electoral College after Donald Trump was officially enshrined as president-elect. Trump won the Electoral College vote on Monday despite losing the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by 2.9 million votes. Clinton received 48.2 percent of the votes, compared to 46.1 percent for Trump.
“Newspapers like the New York Times and LA Times have editorialized to get rid of the Electoral College,” O’Reilly said. “They well know that neutralizing the largely white, rural areas in the Midwest and South will assure liberal politicians get power and keep it… the left sees white privilege as an oppressive force that must be done away with.”
Hypocrisy, writ large and flaming, right there. The shameless dirty tactics and gerrymandering the republicans indulged in this election, to block people of colour from voting, and finding ways to conveniently lose those votes, why that was perfectly okay, yessir! There’s never any wrong as long as it’s amoral conservatives doing it, then it’s just dandy, fine, and of course it isn’t an unethical, illegal, sleazy thing to do, oh no. I’ll let The Cursing Hedgehog express my feelings about this one:
Full story at Think Progress.
… thus tacitly admitting that that’s where the power currently abides. And, by opposing attempts to fix what he’s admitted is a racially-based bias, proves that he is, in fact, a racist. Not a “look the other way while others do racist stuff” racist, nor even a “sorry but other issues are more important” racist, but a full-blown white-supremacist who’s actually stated that he wants white people to have better access to the reins of power.
It’s not like we didn’t already know it, but it’s convenient to be offered the proof so neatly wrapped.
I wish I had even a smidgen of faith that people will wake up, but they won’t. Not until it’s much too late.
Well, I’m sure that if you went and called him a white supremacist, he’d be mortally offended. He just wants white people to have, you know, supremacy. That’s totally different.
Heaven forbid that every vote is equal!
Funny how the white man’s “burden” somehow never actually inconveniences white men, ain’t it.
If you believed all their whining, they’re more than halfway dead by now and suffering valourously on all our behalves.
I can cut the snark in this thread with a knife
Well, it’s pretty obvious that some people are more equal than others, especially when it comes to voting
But it’s soft snark, see. Spreadable. (Spreadable snark: perfectly complements that well-rounded breakfast of toasted feminazi bitterness, or your afternoon cup of freshly squeezed man-tears.)
Spreadable snark: rhetorical Marmite.
That made me snort with laughter in the middle of yawning. I do not want to do that again.
So not quite vegemite, eh?
From the link:
rq #12:
That would be right-wing comedy, I’d say.
Caine #11:
You don’t want to go for the trifecta? Snort, yawn and pass wind at the same time.
So when do I sneeze?
So barely a month since the election and a prominent Trump supporter is already openly talking about defending the ‘white establishment’ from those uppity minorities.
But hey remember this election was totally about the economy and jobs and it’s totally unfair to say that Trump voters are a mob of raging bigots who jumped at the chance to put those minorities back in their place.
rq #14:
You calling me incompetent? ;)
But in any case, good night. We’re well off-topic. Though I prefer the trifecta+sneeze to white supremacy (establishment or no) any day.