Retired Navy officer Jim Wright of the liberal blog Stonekettle Station said this week that he was banned by Facebook for speaking out against supporters of the Nazi Party.
In a blog post on Wednesday, Wright explained that Facebook had notified him that his account had been suspended for “violation of community standards.”
“The community standard I violated is apparently the one where you’re not allowed to criticize actual, no fooling, Nazis,” he wrote. “That’s right, I was banned for criticizing an actual Nazi.”
Wright told Raw Story on Wednesday afternoon that his Facebook account was still locked.
“I know they are aware of the situation,” he said. “But I’ve received no response from Facebook either formally or via informal channels.”
Wright has promised that he will not back down if and when Facebook reinstates his account — even if it means he is banned again.
“Those who know me, know that I am a veteran who fought under the flag of the United States of America for more than 20 years, can probably guess which way I’ll go,” he wrote. “Given America’s new acceptance of fascism, I suspect platforms like Facebook and Twitter will either have to become more accommodating of actual fascist ideology and less tolerant of people like me, or risk going to the wall themselves – especially given that our new president has made it very clear that he intends to directly control how the media, including social media, reports on his administration.”
Via Raw Story.
As myspace went, so shall go facebook.
In the early 2000’s, I tried Facebook. My computer caught a virus from it, I haven’t been back. I hope they shrivel into nothingness.
I have a Faacebok account.
Everything in my profile is … not accurate.
the photo is me
Facebook has a long history of banning people who speak out against abuse but not abusers.
Worst crime possible: pointing that out
re Giliell, professional cynic @4:
Just as the true racists are the ones who call out racist and bigoted actions and words. (/s in case anyone needs it)
Jim Wright is my favourite blogger. Stonekettle Station now has a new post up on this :
This is the United States of America in 2016?! Fuck.
PS. … and the state of the internet and much of our pale blue dot too. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.