Stuff. » « Cops Demand An Apology from 49ers. The Daily Bird #100. Bluejay, click for full size. © C. Ford, all rights reserved. Share this:TweetShare on TumblrPocketMoreEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... Related Stuff. » « Cops Demand An Apology from 49ers.
Kengi says August 30, 2016 at 9:51 am One of my favorites! Many of the blue jays around here are molting now.
kestrel says August 30, 2016 at 10:08 am Looks like he’s up to something nefarious. :-) We have some that imitate the cry of a redtail hawk, apparently to be “scary” so we always pretend to be scared.
Caine says August 30, 2016 at 10:38 am Oh, the Scream of Jays here excel at the redtail hawk imitation, you can’t tell it from the real thing. The youngsters can get a bit annoying with their constant screaming, not having quite mastered the art. :D
One of my favorites! Many of the blue jays around here are molting now.
Looks like he’s up to something nefarious. :-)
We have some that imitate the cry of a redtail hawk, apparently to be “scary” so we always pretend to be scared.
Oh, the Scream of Jays here excel at the redtail hawk imitation, you can’t tell it from the real thing. The youngsters can get a bit annoying with their constant screaming, not having quite mastered the art. :D
Kengi, nothing looks as sad as a molting Bluejay.