
  1. Ice Swimmer says

    An oil-painting-like photo. Love the bluish shades

    The yellow patch gives associations which aren’t definitely the fault of the bird of the photographer. Fuck the nazis, Catholic Church and other antisemites for the associations.

  2. Ice Swimmer says

    I meant: “bird or the photographer”

    And to elaborate: Catholic Church made heretics and Jews to carry yellow markings on their clothes as did various European and Muslim rulers (in the case of Jews). Nazis did as well.

    The bird itself has nothing to do with it, neither do I in any way criticize Caine for the photo.

  3. says

    Well, it’s the females who actually have the yellow ass. I haven’t ever seen one of the females in person, and this is a rare sighting here.

    Ice Swimmer:

    The yellow patch gives associations which aren’t definitely the fault of the bird of the photographer. Fuck the nazis, Catholic Church and other antisemites for the associations.

    I’ll join you in that fuck them all. When I first saw the bird, that blazing yellow patch brought those things to my mind, as well. The Juden start in particular. It says a lot when a simple patch of colour ends up with such ugly associations.

  4. quotetheunquote says

    Missed this one previously, somehow. Congratulations, nice close-up! I have no good shots of this species at all, despite their being by far the most common warbler in this region during migration.
    Birders sometimes refer to them as “butter-butts” in reference to the rump colour.

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