While Tim Kaine’s pastor describes Kaine as “very compassionate, approachable, available, and friendly,” a Washington DC-based priest, a member of the Dominican Order, has told Tim Kaine that he is not a true Catholic and not entitled to receive communion. The issue? Tim Kaine has stated his personal opposition to abortion, but refuses to enact laws as a public official that would interfere with a woman’s right to choose.
The anti-abortion site LifeNews reported that Father Thomas Petri took to Twitter to condemn Kaine. “Senator @timkaine. Do us both a favor. Don’t show up in my communion line.” The priest also told Kaine that his beliefs that women should be priest and that “abortion is fine” makes him either “poorly catechized or a dissenter.”
I can’t say I was thrilled with the Veep pick, but anyone who pisses off priests gets credit from me. Nothing riles up priests like the disobedience of thinking. Perhaps Father Petri should spend more time praying than tweeting. I’m sure if he prays hard enough, god will do something or other, right?
Full story here.
To which Kaine replied, “Will do.”
Yeah, I’m sure Kaine’s fee fees were really hurt by this authoritarian asshat.
Seriously. I can’t imagine why Kaine would care.
If every dissenting Catholic were denied communion, would the church finally close down?
So as opposed to ‘being catholic’ as a stumbling block, now there’s such a thing as ‘not catholic enough’? :P
Authoritarians don’t condone freedom or even free thought.
smrnda @3:
I have a feeling that there are plenty of catholics that feel the same way as Kaine. Perhaps if they took this priest’s advice, it would lead to the church closing down.