Carl Gallups, a far-right pastor who has been embraced by Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, spoke with Charlottesville, Virginia, radio host Rob Schilling on Friday about the Obama administration’s recent directive on transgender rights in public schools, which he said was the sign of the impending End Times and a possible clue about something wrong in Obama’s “personal life.”
“For years I’ve been saying, ‘Look, look, we’re living in very prophetic times,’” Gallups said. “Israel is back in the land, Russia and China are in the Middle East, ISIS has exploded, Christianity is being exterminated, on and on down the list you can go … And so, now, we turn to what Jesus said in Luke 17. He said, ‘Look, in the very last days before my return, it’s going to be just like it was in the days of Lot, Sodom and Gomorrah, the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah will sweep the planet.’ And we’re watching that happen before our eyes.”
He said that “it’s not just Christians” who are upset about policies allowing transgender people to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity because even “ultra-liberal people … don’t want their little six-year-old girl molested in the bathroom because some hairy guy decides he feels like a girl that day and follows their little pretty little girl into the bathroom under federal decree.”
Earlier in the interview, Gallups speculated that there is “something” in Obama’s “personal life that would cause him to be absolutely fixated upon this sexual deviancy and this danger to our children and this perversion and insanity and this whole fixation upon this radical transgender movement.”
He hinted that this “something” might have to do with pornography, noting that the president’s official Twitter account, which is run by staffers at the Organizing for Action organization, has been found to follow some porn stars among the more than 636,000 accounts it follows.
“So, it’s demonic,” Gallups said, “and there obviously is a fixation upon this with the man in the White House now.
I thought we were already past all that Last Judgment stuff. Or is there always another Last Judgment to hand down?
I thought the ReturnOfJesus is going to be a good thing.
There’s always another Last Judgment™.
So when’s the Very Last Ultimate Final Last Judgment? Or is there still another to be had after that one…?
Hell if I know. What I wonder about is the rainbow. According to the bible, El Shaddai gifted us mortals with the rainbow as a mark of his promise to never lose his temper again, and wipe out almost all of humanity. Now that the rainbow has been tainted with all this icky, immoral, anti-God stuff, why hasn’t ol’ El Shaddai taken away his rainbows and gone home?
Yahweh is a slacker. He’s always promising to smite us for this, that and the other, but he can never put down his bong and come out of his mom’s basement long enough to follow through.
More proof that god lacks good parenting skills. First he left his children unsupervised* with dangerous snakes and trees, now he keeps threatening consequences but not following through. Children learn very fast when their parents are full of crap with their threats.
C’mon god, I thought you were supposed to be the ultimate disciplinarian.
*especially negligent considering he’s supposed to be omnipresent.
Geez, didn’t you all learn anything from Buffy? There’s always a new even finaler laster ultimater judgement at the end of every season. This season the Big Bad is transgender people, and there’s some sort of phlebotinum involving bathrooms.
Clearly, the question to ask yourself is WWJD (What Would Joss Do?)
As for the rainbow, I’m sure we can come up with something to explain it. Or, y’know, that was an earlier episode and by now you were supposed to have forgotten about that little corner we’ve written ourselves into. I mean, how is that any worse than the basic problem of evil, since we went ahead and made God omnipotent and all-loving. Probably not the best idea, that. Maybe we can retcon it somehow. Anyway, the rainbow was really just for the cinematography. I think it’s great how Ryan Green… oh, this is no good.
I’m a “hairy guy” (at least in the sense of not being familiar with the razor or the barbershop), and I think the only time I’ve felt like a female was when I couldn’t get an word in sideways. Is there a “federal decree” to STFU ? If so, I suggest it applies here, now, to you, Mr bigot.
I never watched Buffy, so I’m sorry to say I missed all those valuable lessons.
As for the rainbow, I think those too evolved (so to speak) out of El Shaddai’s control. Much as free will in human beings has become a huge stumbling block, what with people turning away and not sacrificing or worshiping as much as they used to, tying rainbows to specific rules of optical physics has made them far more difficult to extract from the rest of creation than El Shaddai thought previously.
Yahweh must have spent the recent millennium or two imbibing Freya’s brennvin and Dionysos’s brandy with Thor, maybe even drunkenly wagon/chariot racing with him also.
Ice Swimmer @ 11:
Maybe we all got lucky, and Thor’s goat ate him.
re blf @9:
That particular line stuck out to me as well. It seems that the description of the “guy feeling like a girl” keeps gaining more masculine characteristics every week that this goes on. And always that guy going to the bathroom with a defenseless “little girl”, who seems to be getting more helpless and tiny as the weeks pass. The “guy” is constantly described as “feeling like a girl” on a whim, unlike all the actual transgender people who make a very determined and studied decision. And I wonder why they never worry about the “women” using the men’s bathroom? I guess there are only transgender women (who are “men” in their eyes) and no such thing as transgender men (who are “women” in their eyes).
What have you got against Mr Thor’s goat ?
Don’t worry, blf, I’m sure the goat chewed Yahweh up, swallowed, realized “this isn’t going to work” and left him as a soft patty of steaming puke somewhere in the Scandinavian countryside, slowly freezing into a solid mass of goat-rejected nonsense.
Great. A hazardous waste disposal site lurking in the Scandinavian countryside. You realise how nasty pucked sky faerie is? Ever hear of Puck?
“End times” and “anti-christ” are dog whistle terms for “kill this person or those people”. In the minds of fanatics, it’s not a legal issue, it’s a black and white “moral issue” that comes from their fictional “god” and is beyond question.
Gallups is inciting people to commit violence but will hide behind “religious freedumb” if it happens. It lets him say, “I never called for anyone to be killed!”
(See also: republicans and their targets which incited the Gabrielle Giffords shooting.)
I, for one, am looking forward to the season finale.
Yep … that seems pretty far over the top.
Unless, you happen to have convinced yourself through endless retelling on talk radio and postings on right-wing media sources, that Obama is a secretly gay Muslim who shacked up with his gay lover before hooking up with his transgender wife to form a parody of a heterosexual marriage. In which case the claims that Obama is seeking to undermine the US by pushing through The Gay Agenda makes a whole lot of sense.
If you happen to combine this understanding with a deeply held belief in a vengeful and jealous sky daddy, who tends to kill nearly everyone if he doesn’t get his way, the idea idea that God might destroy it all because we have failed to persecute trans-sexuals to the maximum extent possible just naturally follows.
It’s so far over the top it has looped around the Universe and is now approaching the bottom.