Of female orgasms and religion

If that header doesn’t grab you, then you my friend have bigger problems than sex and religion can solve. Unfortunately, I may not deliver on the headline. It refers to a new book, Homo Mysterious by evolutionary psychologists Davd Barosh, that I have on order. Female sexuality is one of the topics the author writes about, but there is another graf in the review that caught my eye: [Read more…]

Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, wtf was Romney thinking

Mitt Romney addressed and it was a trainwreck. He was booed and openly heckled, applause was tepid and halting (Word is the Romney campaign made sure some supporters attended, maybe they were just too embarassed to clap at times). Funniest goddamn thing: At several points, after it was clear just how bad this would be, someone on the organ keyed dramatic notes in a sort of comedic pitch, the kind you hear when a bad guy wearing a black fedora is twirling his mustache. I can’t imagine who in the Romney campaign thought this was  a good idea, but they were wrong.

Aside from that, the speech was full of the usual whoppers, main difference being Mittens wasn’t speaking to the indoctrinated ditto heads he typically enjoys. Politico has a recap of some of it here.

The rare and sometimes dangerous Derecho

It’s rather beautiful in its alien cloudy-ness. The Derecho. A rare phenomenon characterized by a shelf of low, ominous clouds leading sustained winds, at times exceeding hurricane strength, trailing thunderstorms and sometimes hail in its wake. An unusually violent and gigantic Derecho was herald for some of the storms that hit the east a few days ago (I think I flew through one of these once, see below). Speaking of weather, we keep on rolling snakes eyes:  [Read more…]

Mitt’s Bain reign

There is a mini debate over how long Mitt Romney worked at Bain Capital. Reason being, while Bain did the usual nasty raider shit before Romney’s self reported departure in Feb 99, some of the more politically damaging activity occurred after. David Corn at Mother Jones makes a great point, opposing other orgs that side with the Romney campaign: in document after document, over 60 total, filed with the SEC and subject to penalty of perjury, Mitt Romney is named in one way or another as a principal well after the date in question: [Read more…]

Alabama public TV execs fired for not airing dominionist propaganda

If you’re not sure who David Barton is, think of Ken Ham or Kent Hovind: Barton is to history what old fashioned young earth creationists are to science. He peddles books and DVD’s riddled with fake quotes and other inaccuracies pushing the idea that America’s founders were really all about a Christian theocracy. Which is why Alabama Public TV recently passed on a suggestion to air two of Barton’s fake documentaries. I just got wind of what happened next: [Read more…]