NASA engineers on the outs, Newspace could help

Former NASA employees in my former neighborhood are finding out what the rest of us knew for years: the Spacecoast job market sucks even in good times, now it’s virtually un-inhabitable. I feel bad for them, not all of them voted for the economic policies that rewarded repackaging and reselling shady derivatives over actually making things. The ones that did were classic GOP mushroom people: kept in the dark and fed a diet of bullshit: [Read more…]

Dueling ads released by WH campaigns, you decide

Hahaha! Romney’s ad was pulled for copyright infringement. Been caught stealing. Meanwhile, Obama’s has gone full viral.

The Obama ad team unleashed a fairly effective ad against Romney below. Naturally, team Romney struck back with their own clip. I think the Romney ad attacking Obama isn’t half bad, but it’s not as solid as the one attacking Romney. You decide. [Read more…]

Syria could go anytime now

It could happen today, or Assad might delay this push and buy another month or three. But the Arab Spring that began in Tunisia and swept through Egypt and Libya is now on the doorstep of the Syrian capital (Building raw link base below). There are conflicting reports, some saying the final battle for Damascus may have already begun, others unclear: [Read more…]

Can all Factcheck’s horses & all the Post’s men put the Bain story together again?

In addition to Mitt’s squirrely story over his non work at Bain capital after 1999, two so-called fact checkers have been snared in the sticky web. Brooks Jackson at Annenberg’s and the Post’s Glenn Kessler may have started out in good faith, but since then both have been engaging a lot less in fact checking and a lot more in what looks like covering their and Romney’s ass for a bad call early on. Robert Parry writing at the Consortium takes them down hard: [Read more…]