Putting Larry in was a great move -- he’s funny! He makes the cartoon funny. Without him, the swindle of religion is not funny at all (although still better than those godawful puns).
Rob Grigjanissays
Some people think beer is a blessing of god, but that’s misguided as well as blasphemous. I’d go with vodka.
Why is Larry the only alligator with speech problems? He even has a different font…
I’ve also wondered about that. I don’t think it is speech problems. I think that choice is to suggest that he is ignorant and proud of it. His wife and son speak like all the other animals in the strip.
Matt Gsays
God may work in mysterious ways, but the behavior of religious grifters is entirely predictable.
I can’t wait for the Rapture. Getting rid of all those stupid fundie-christians in one strike ….
Putting Larry in was a great move -- he’s funny! He makes the cartoon funny. Without him, the swindle of religion is not funny at all (although still better than those godawful puns).
Some people think beer is a blessing of god, but that’s misguided as well as blasphemous. I’d go with vodka.
Why is Larry the only alligator with speech problems? He even has a different font…
One day later, the Universe tells Pig the purpose of life:
I’ve also wondered about that. I don’t think it is speech problems. I think that choice is to suggest that he is ignorant and proud of it. His wife and son speak like all the other animals in the strip.
God may work in mysterious ways, but the behavior of religious grifters is entirely predictable.
I can’t wait for the Rapture. Getting rid of all those stupid fundie-christians in one strike ….