But wait! There’s more!

You really don’t want to read about another terrifying crazy Republican woman, do you? Too bad. Here it is: a good Christian homeschooling mom who doesn’t like gay people. And by “doesn’t like”, I mean “wants them stoned to death and everything they touch blown up.”

A friend recently sent me this article about a “gay-friendly” high school. If we were living in a biblical society, homosexuality would be punishable by death so such a school would be unnecessary. Although I’m against the special accommodations, perhaps this new trend of segregation will protect straight kids from these predators. With any luck, some radical will blow up the gay school. No, I’m not condoning vigilantism–I’m merely saying that it would be poetic justice.

This has been yet another chapter in Our Scary American Electorate.

(via 2000 Years of Deception)

Against mob rule and pandering to ignorance

Keith Olbermann rips into a certain “unstable congresswoman from Minnesota,” Rush Limbaugh, the politics of divisiveness, the McCain campaign, and places the ultimate responsibility on John McCain himself, and demands that he address the smears and bigotry of his supporters. It is great stuff.

I have to say that I am personally more than a bit tired of the yahoos on the right constantly telling me that I’m not a real American and that I hate my country.

And of course Jon Stewart charges in, too.

Californians, it’s your turn

There is currently a proposal before Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to rip through desert wilderness in your state to put powerlines. Chris Clarke makes the case against it; you don’t have much time to respond, so phone or email your protests IMMEDIATELY. Let the state government know that there is a dedicated bloc of environmentally aware voters in the state who are not going to sacrifice what makes California a state worth living in for power company profits.

Texas voters, watch this

This video contains a nice breakdown of exactly who the wackaloons on the Texas Board of Education are, and will help you figure out who to vote for in the upcoming elections.

I always find it astonishing that Don McLeroy and Terri Leo actually have positions of responsibility in the Texas educational system. The system is really messed up down there, have you noticed?

Whoa…this is better than crashing polls

Michele Bachmann is a great fundraiser…for Democrats. Since that creepy video of her calling everyone who isn’t a rightwingnut “anti-American” has spread all over, money has been pouring into the Elwyn Tinklenberg campaign. Check out Tinklenberg’s ActBlue page: he has received over $100,000 since yesterday. I opened the page a few hours ago and just checked again, and it had shot up about $20,000. Add a few pennies to the total, if you can!

Our local horror

If you think Sarah Palin is bad, try listening to
Michele Bachmann for seven minutes. This is her interview with Chris Matthews, in which she accuses swarms of people of being “Anti-American”.

One thing is amusing. Intermittently, Matthews tries to pin her down in her blanket screeds against liberals, and asks her to state specifically whether some Democrat is actually, literally anti-American. You can see her expression lock in place, her eyes stare blankly out, and you can imagine her tiny brain doing little shuddery spasms of confusion in the vast and roomy vault of her cranium…then <click> <reset> <reboot>, she glides right past the question and continues her imprecatory rant.

This is one of Minnesota’s representatives. Please, people in the 6th district, vote for Tinklenberg. It’s embarrassing to have this shrill munchkin in office here.

Drinking Liberally in Morris!

After a long hiatus, we’re having a Drinking Liberally event at 7 tonight, at Old #1. I guess we’re optimistically revitalized by the Democratic prospects for November.

Actually, it’s also because Robin, of WOMB blog, Power Liberal, and the Minnesota Independent is passing through, so we have to show her that Morris is much more exciting than the boring old Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area. So come on down, locals!