This has not been a good day. I could not take a shower, because our pipes froze (but only the hot water pipe to the bathroom; it was something like -20°C when I got up). Then I discovered the snowplows had sealed off my driveway and the sidewalk with a dense wall of snow, so I had to go out and clear that in the frigid weather. I went in to work for a few hours, and when I came back, the whole house reeked of gas — to be on the safe side, we called the gas company to check it out, but then it turned out that something had cracked in our snowblower, and it had dumped a whole tank of gas in our garage. That’s going to need repair before the next storm.
Everything sucked, basically.
Clearly, the problem is that I posted something cynical and grumpy about this stupid New Year thing, so the calendrical deities are smiting me for dissing the whole concept of “resolutions”. My attitude is the problem. I have to appease the gods of karma now. I must…
OK, I resolve to be more cheerful and less negative. I shall fantasize that Trump and Stephen Miller will start by nibbling each others toes, and choke to death by playing Ouroboros ending in ass-ophagy. This will be the year that global climate change ends, Pewdiepie, Milo, and the Kardashians are forgotten and ignored, the Catholic church goes bankrupt, and everyone realizes that video games are more entertaining than church. I will smile now and then.
Good enough, O Inimical Universe? Curse lifted?