This particular comic that purports to illustrate me starts off poorly — the first couple of frames look nothing like me — but by the third panel he captures me perfectly.
This particular comic that purports to illustrate me starts off poorly — the first couple of frames look nothing like me — but by the third panel he captures me perfectly.
This is terrible. I’ve kept her under the radar for so long, and now this recent incident has blown her cover.
Shocking information has reached us that PZ Meyers trophy wife (paid for by the tax payers of state of Minnesota) was taking names of the movie goers to, and I quote her words, “be put first in line for the gas chambers once we overthrow the Constitution”. That is correct, this state funded mistress was making a list of local Christians for eventual extermination.
All that money invested in her ninja training, wasted.
You know, when you stop to think about it, this strip really isn’t that funny — it’s cutting a little too close to the truth. Ladies of the readership, you may vent your frustration here.
George Carlin is showing signs of his age, but he’s still sharp.
This song does use some naughty words, so don’t play it where your fundagelical cubicle mate might hear. Or turn it up loud. Your choice.
(Via Reasonable Doubts)
This excerpt reveals a surprising fact: it is clearly a Canadian conspiracy. I knew we shouldn’t trust those guys.
This one is just too cute for words: a little girl summarizes Star Wars. The younger your eyes, the better that movie looks.
Uh, well, maybe this one isn’t appropriate for lunch. There’s nothing immediately off-putting about it, but it will sneak up on you. It made me laugh, anyway.