The Potterverse needs this retcon

I am not a fan of the Harry Potter books (what was that noise? So that’s what a million people simultaneously unsubscribing sounds like!) — my kids enjoyed them, we’ve got all of them around here somewhere, and I read the first couple of them, but they were just a bit too repetitive for my taste, and also too familiar. But don’t worry, I can understand how a lot of people liked them.

But now I’ve read a rewrite of the main story line, with Hermione as the main character. Much better! That’s a story I’d read to the end!

Dismaying statistic of the day

It’s shocking what college men will confess to.

The University of North Dakota researchers asked 73 men if they would force a woman to have sex with them if there was no chance of being punished, and 31.7 percent said they would. When the researchers asked if the man being questioned would "rape" a woman if there were no consequences, however, 13.6 percent said they would.

Hmm. UND has about 15,000 students; if half are men, that means there are about a thousand amoral assholes wandering about who’d like to rape someone, and about 2400 who are willing to rape as long as it isn’t called rape. Anyone want to claim there is no such thing as a rape culture here?

The lesson is that you should send your daughters to the University of Minnesota, because I’m sure our students are not at all like those Dakotans. There’s a border and everything.

Congratulations to Melody Hensley, MA Melby, Miri Mogilevsky, Rebecca Watson, Sarah Kaiser, and Muhammed Syed

They are all recipients of the 2014 Secular Woman Awards, and they are all deserving.

Hey, I’ve also had the personal honor and privilege of meeting every one of them in real life, and will probably be bumping into them again, at which time I shall bask gloatingly in their reflected glory.

Russia makes no sense

Russia has decreed that transgender people are not allowed to drive. Why, you might wonder?

Many Muscovites loathe driving because of the daily traffic jams, and it now seems that the government has found a new solution to the problem: People with "sex disorders," including those who identify as transsexual or transgender, may no longer drive. "The decisions are aimed at reducing deaths from road traffic accidents," an official statement on the decree reads.

That makes no sense. Is there evidence that this particular subgroup contributes inordinately to traffic accidents? They certainly aren’t common enough that removing them from the road will make a dent in their traffic problems. So I have a better idea.

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The saddest thing I’ve read today

It is every mother’s worst nightmare to lose a child, and I have to feel Carla May Alcorn’s pain.

My sweet 16 year old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck. Thank you for the messages and kindness and concern you have sent our way. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

My sweet 16 year old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck. Thank you for the messages and kindness and concern you have sent our way. Please continue to keep us in your prayers.

This is certainly not the time to take exception to the religious sentiments in her announcement. Except…

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The virtues of polarization

Scalzi has made an announcement and revision.

A couple of years ago, I wrote a piece on my personal feminism, in which I noted that while I can be considered a feminist on the fundamental level of “women are entitled to the same rights and privileges as men, with everything that implies in terms of access to education, economic opportunity and personal liberty,” I usually didn’t call myself one, for various and what I thought at the time were perfectly reasonable reasons.

Then 2014 happened, and those reasonable reasons now kind of feel like careful, rationalizing bullshit to me.

So, as an update to my thoughts on my personal feminism:

Hell yes, I’m a feminist.

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