Where will I be today?

This afternoon, I’ll be at the Bell Museum at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus, celebrating the birth of Charles Darwin. Everyone is welcome, so come on down!

1:00P – Lecture by historian of biology Professor Mark Borrello, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior, on the history of Darwin and evolutionary theory.

2:00P – Lecture by biologist and blogger Professor P.Z. Myers, University of Minnesota—Morris, on evidence for evolution.

3:00P – Panel discussion of University of Minnesota evolutionary biologists on their cutting-edge research at the U of M titled “My Life’s Work in Three Minutes”. To be followed by a cake reception.

Charles Darwin achieved fame and infamy for his theory of evolution by natural selection, now the foundation underlying all biological sciences. Darwin Day is the anniversary of his birthday, whose exact date is February 12, 1809. The date is celebrated internationally.

For more information, contact:
Mike Jones
Publishing and Editing Committee Manager
Campus Atheists and Secular Humanists

Bell Museum of Natural History (Directions|Google Map)

Mmmmm-mmm. Cake. You can’t possibly miss this.

Guanlong wucaii

a, b, Cranial reconstruction in left lateral (a; shaded area indicates the unpreserved portion) and dorsal (b) views. adc, anterodorsal concavity; al, anterior lamina; an, angular; aof, antorbital fenestra; d, dentary; dg, dentary groove; emf, external mandibular fenestra; en, external naris; if, infratemporal fenestra; isf, foramen on ischium; j, jugal; jp, pneumatic jugal foramen; l, lacrimal; m, maxilla; mc I–IV, metacarpals I–IV; mo, maxillary opening; mt I–V, metatarsals I–V; mvc, median vertical crest; nc, nasal crest; obf, obturator foramen; orb, orbit; pf, prefrontal; pfe, pneumatic fenestra; pl, posterior lamina; pm, premaxilla; po, postorbital; pr, pneumatic recess; qj, quadratojugal; ri, right ilium; ris, right ischium; rp, right pubis; sa, surangular; sac, sacrum; sc, sagittal crest; sec, semilunate carpal; sq, squamosal; tp, tubercle on pubis; tr, transverse ridge. Scale bar: 5 cm

Well, I was going to put together more about this beautiful new basal tyrannosauroid from the Jurassic of China, Guanlong wucaii, but Carl Zimmer beat me to it. I’ll just show you that lovely crested skull, and below the fold, a picture of the fossil in situ, and let Carl do the hard work of explaining it all.

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Evolution of a polyphenism

Here’s some very cool news: scientists have directly observed the evolution of a complex, polygenic, polyphenic trait by genetic assimilation and accommodation in the laboratory. This is important, because it is simultaneously yet another demonstration of the fact of evolution, and an exploration of mechanisms of evolution—showing that evolution is more sophisticated than changes in the coding sequences of individual genes spreading through a population, but is also a consequence of the accumulation of masked variation, synergistic interactions between different alleles and the environment, and perhaps most importantly, changes in gene regulation.

Unfortunately, it’s also an example of some extremely rarefied terminology that is very precisely used in genetic and developmental labs everywhere, but probably makes most people’s eyes glaze over and wonder what the fuss is all about. I’ll try to give a simple introduction to those peculiar words, and explain why the evolution of a polyphenic pigment pattern in a caterpillar is a fascinating and significant result.

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More Koufax nominations!

I’ve got a couple of posts that have been nominated for The 2005 Koufax Awards: Best Post, so I’ve quickly brought them on board here at the new site. Voting isn’t yet open, but here they are:

  • Idiot America. This one is something of a howl of anguish, and it’s really more a lot of quotes from Charles Pierce’s article of the same name in Esquire. If this gets the nomination, credit should go more to Pierce than to me—and that’s OK.
  • Planet of the Hats. This article is probably the best representation for how I actually feel about religion. It’s all metaphor, but if you don’t get it, I won’t be surprised…it means you’re really, really, ummm, devout.
  • The proper reverence due those who have gone before. I have to say, if one of these three gets the nomination, this is the one I’d personally favor. But hey, you’re all supposed to vote for your favorite, and there are about 220 other great choices there, too. Anyway, if you want to understand why I despise creationists of all stripes, this article might help you understand why.

The proper reverence due those who have gone before


Some people might think I’m a rather morbid fellow. Years ago, when I was an undergraduate lackey at the University of Washington and working at the med school, there, I made a wonderful discovery one lunch hour: a bone room. Tucked away in an odd corner of the building was a room full of shelves stacked with cardboard boxes, each one containing the bones of some individual who’d left their remains to science. They’d been thoroughly cleaned and disarticulated, and many had parts sawed apart so you could peer into the sinuses or the hollow spaces for marrow or poke around in the caverns of the cranium. It became my favorite quiet, private place. I could putter about reassembling someone, or just contemplate some scrap of bone for a Yorick moment.

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Life is chemistry

Sometimes creationists say things like, “Evolution doesn’t explain the origins of life!” The common reply is that that’s the domain of abiogenesis, not evolution, with the implied suggestion that the creationist should go away and quit bugging us.

That’s a cop-out.

I’m going to be somewhat heretical, and suggest that abiogenesis as the study of chemical evolution is a natural subset of evolutionary theory, and that we should own up to it. It’s natural processes all the way back, baby, no miracles required. Life is chemistry, vitalism has evaporated and is one with phlogiston, and scientists legitimately and respectably study physical processes that were the potential instigators of life. Someday we’re going to be able to create living cells from scratch, and those mechanisms will be taken for granted afterwards, just as Wöhler’s synthesis of urea is nowadays.

What prompts this assertion of uncompromising naturalism is a reminder from two publications. Natural History has published a nice review of The Origins of Life, and The Scientist has an article on the work to create a synthetic cell, Is This Life?. They’re both good, light summaries that don’t stint on pointing out the problems in these fields—but the main point is that there has been great progress as well, and that these are productive lines of inquiry.

Vertebral variation, Hox genes, development, and cancer


First, a tiny bit of quantitative morphological data you can find in just about any comparative anatomy text:

mammal number of vertebrae
cervical thoracic lumbar sacral caudal
horse 7 18 6 5 15-21
cow 7 13 6 5 18-20
sheep 7 13 6-7 4 16-18
pig 7 14-15 6-7 4 20-23
dog 7 13 7 3 20-23
human 7 12 5 5 3-4

The number of thoracic vertebrae varies quite a bit, from 9 in a species
of whale to 25 in sloths. The numbers of lumbar, sacral, and more caudal vertebrae also show considerable variation. At the same time, there is a surprising amount of invariance in the number of cervical vertebrae in mammals — as every schoolkid knows, even giraffes have exactly the same number of vertebrae in their necks as we do. What makes this particularly striking is that other vertebrates have much more freedom in their number of cervical vertebrae; swans can have 22-25. I was idly wondering why mammals were so limited, and stumbled onto a couple of papers that addressed exactly that question (Galis & Metz, 2003; Galis, 1999). Galis’s explanation is that it is a developmental constraint that may have something to do with the incidence of cancer.

Development is an intricately choreographed process that treads a dangerous line. On one side is stability; but development is in many ways a destabilizing process, in which cells have to change their path and form new tissues, and stability is not compatible with it. On the other side is chaos, unregulated proliferation — cancer. During development, the organism has to foster proliferation and change to a greater degree than it can tolerate later, and that loosening of constraints represents a danger. Galis suggests that one reason we mammals may always have 7 cervical vertebrae is that the regulatory genes that specify the number of vertebrae are coupled to processes that otherwise regulate cell fates, and that modifications to those genes that would cause variation in vertebra number would also lead to unacceptable increases in the frequency of embryonal cancers.

This isn’t at all an improbable idea. Genes exhibit bewilderingly complex patterns of expression, and pleiotropy (the regulation of multiple phenotypic characters by a single gene) is the rule, not the exception. The Hox genes, the particular genes that control the identity of regions along the length of the animal, are known to switch on and off in proliferating mammalian cell lines in culture. Perhaps the Hox genes involved in defining cervical vertebrae are somehow also involved in controlling cell proliferation, making them dangerous targets for evolution to tinker with?

Galis provides several lines of evidence that this is the case. To see whether variation in cervical vertebra number leads to increased incidence of cancer, we need to look for instances of variation in mammalian vertebrae.

There isn’t much variation in cervical vertebra number, though. There is an exception: sometimes, the 7th cervical vertebra is found to undergo a partial homeotic transformation and forms a pair of ribs, which are normally found only on thoracic vertebrae. Humans develop cervical ribs with a frequency of about 0.2%; do they also develop cancers? The answer is yes, with a frequency 125 times greater than the general population.

Another place to look would be in phylogenetic variation — between groups rather than within a population. It turns out that there are two groups of mammals that do have a non-canonical number of cervical vertebrae: one manatee genus and two genera of sloths. No data is available on frequencies of embryonal cancers in either, and Galis reports that manatees at least seem to have a low incidence of cancer. One explanation is that both sloths and manatees have exceptionally slow metabolic rates, which in itself will reduce the frequency of cancer, since it will reduce the rate of oxidation damage; the idea is that this low cancer rate may have made these organisms more tolerant of variation in these genes.

An open question is how birds can have greater variability in the number of cervical vertebrae — they certainly don’t have low metabolic rates. One suggestion is that the coupling between these particular Hox genes and a predilection for cancer is unique to mammals. Another possibility is that birds possess other, unidentified mechanisms that reduce free radical production, reduces oxidative damage, and makes them relatively cancer-free. Galis cites several studies that show that birds do seem to be less severely afflicted with cancers than us mammals.

It’s an interesting idea, but the evidence so far is a collection of correlations. I’d be interested in seeing some direct analyses of the role of patterning genes on carcinogenesis. Still, it’s the first answer I’ve seen to explain why such a peculiar restriction in morphology should be nearly universal within a whole class of animals, when other classes allow so much more diversity.


Galis, F and JAJ Metz (2003) Anti-cancer selection as a source of developmental and evolutionary constraints. BioEssays 25:1035-1039.

Galis, F (1999) Why do almost all mammals have seven cervical vertebrae? Developmental constraints, Hox genes, and cancer. J Exp Zool (Mol Dev Evol) 285:19-26.

A rising starlet in evo-devo


Nematostella, the starlet anemone, is a nifty new model system for evo-devo work that I’ve mentioned a few times before—in articles on “Bilateral symmetry in a sea anemone” and “A complex regulatory network in a diploblast”—and now I see that there is a website dedicated to the starlet anemone and a genomics database, StellaBase. It’s taking off!

Two legged goats and developmental variation



Variation is common, and often lingers in places where it is unexpected. The drawing to the left is from West-Eberhard’s Developmental Plasticity and Evolution(amzn/b&n/abe/pwll), and illustrates six common variations in the branching pattern of the aortic arch in humans. These are differences that have no known significance to our lives, and aren’t even visible except in the hopefully rare situations in which a surgeon opens our chests.

This is the kind of phenomenon in which I’ve become increasingly interested. I work with a model system, the zebrafish, and supposedly one of the things we model systems people pursue is the ideal of a consistent organism, in which the variables are reduced to a minimum. Variation is noise that interferes with our perception of common underlying mechanisms. I’ve been thinking more and more that variation is actually a significant phenomenon that tells us something about where the real constraints in the system are. It is also, of course, the raw material for evolution.

Unfortunately, variation is also relatively difficult to study.

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I’m redundant-who needs a blogger?


There’s a lovely article in this week’s Nature documenting a transitional stage in tetrapod evolution (you know, those forms the creationists like to say don’t exist), and a) Nature provides a publicly accessible review of the finding, and b) the primary author is already a weblogger! Perhaps there will come a day when I’m obsolete and willl just have to turn my hand to blogging about what I had for lunch.

For an extra super-duper dose of delicious comeuppance, though, take a look at this thread on the Panda’s Thumb. I wrote about Panderichthys, and a creationist (“Ghost of Paley”) comes along to mangle the phylogeny and make wild negative assertions about the validity of interpretations of fossils based on work from the Ahlberg lab…when Martin Brazeau of the Ahlberg lab and author of this new paper shows up to straighten him out.

And for my next trick, let me introduce you to Marshall McLuhan

Brazeau MD, Ahlberg PE (2006) Tetrapod-like middle ear architecture in a Devonian fish. Nature 439:318-321.