
  1. birgerjohansson says

    Reginald Selkirk @ 2
    Soccer / Brit football is popular in most Arab countries so each country has a huge talent pool (The berber-arab Marocco was colonised by the French, who – along with much of continental Europe- also like football).
    The winter olympics will be more advantageous for US teams.
    Myself I am totally apathic about sports and medals (Does that make me Jewish? I think I must be at least 10% Jewish, I watch Jon Stewart and the Mel Brooks classics).

  2. birgerjohansson says

    Reginald Selkirk @ 5
    Even an ordinary Felis Catus can draw surprising amounts of blood. I noticed that when I tried to separate two fighting cats.
    So…stuff a big feral tomcat inside his shirt? It would be fun to watch.

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