Anyone got a black helmet to share?

I just returned from the optometrist, and it’s the last piece of the ensemble I need to complete the look.

I don’t know why Charles is hovering over my shoulder like that, but he keeps whispering, “Turn to the Dark Side!”


  1. blf says

    I don’t know why Charles is hovering over my shoulder like that, but he keeps whispering, “Turn to the Dark Side!”

    Looks to me more like he’s trying to suppress a laugh whilst wondering why he has a binder clip stuck to his forehead.

  2. hemidactylus says

    I so want a Bane mask! And his sqeaky voice to alarm the covidiots in my midst.

  3. blf says

    @4, It’s a mask with an attached, er, poopyhead, we think… albeit the blindfold makes it hard to tell just who… what… the mask has latched onto.

    Oh, you mean the individual in the background. That’s the puppeteer.

  4. wsierichs says

    Can’t you guys hear Darwin? He’s clearly saying: “P.Z., I am your father.” So, yes, it’s true, P.Z. does serve “Pure Otherworldly Evil.” (POE)

  5. moxie says

    actually, he’s whispering “take this damned binder clip off my scalp. it hurts!”.

  6. steve1 says

    Um this is weird. but what are you going to do when you are stuck at home with covid hair.. I had to take a picture of myself for the boss and I have covid hair and a sunburn.

  7. John Morales says

    There’s a difference between “a black helmet to share” and “a black helmet to spare”.

  8. davidc1 says

    I think our good Doc is having a mid life crisis ,I see a Harley Davidson in his future ,complete with a top box containing spider collecting equipment .

  9. birgerjohansson says

    General comment: patients with COVID19 can be sorted by symptoms in six groups. By day five, it can be predicted which ones will get the most severe form, and they can thus be provided with appropriate care at an early stage.