Actually, I was thinking if they got a whole hand on there you could get a high-five or fist bump anytime you need one.
I like the idea of it tapping impatiently when you have new notifications though.
Yep, just like the “neck massager”
It didn’t need to, because I know you were all thinking them.
Actually, no I wasn’t.
…. until I watched the video…. then it was obvious.
Markus Schäfersays
If you have a smartphone with its own finger….then what is the human for?
I rather look forward to the day that a phone can give you the finger.
All I need it to do is to crawl off to plug itself into an outlet, and to catch Pokemon for me.
UnknownEric the Apostatesays
“Ouch.” – E.T.
Actually, I was envisioning the finger actuating its own phone’s touchscreen, no doubt coordinating the robot revolution.
Actually, there are zones on my back that I always have trouble scratching.
this is just too fucking creepy for me.
first nightmare I ever had was about the “disembodied hand” that crawls up the side of the bed and chokes you.
whoever thought this was a good idea apparently has no conception of creep factor.
I’m going to have to rethink some phrases I associate with my phone, such as:
– Putting the phone on vibrate
– Butt dialing
Anybody have any other phrases?
Might get one, if only so that I can program it to walk/slide the phone and it off of the table, falling into a caldron of boiling oil that I’ll keep just for that purpose when I’m called outside of work hours.
Weirdest thing on the net this morning. But it’s early.
Well that should make masturbation easier.
Actually, I was thinking if they got a whole hand on there you could get a high-five or fist bump anytime you need one.
I like the idea of it tapping impatiently when you have new notifications though.
Yep, just like the “neck massager”
Actually, no I wasn’t.
…. until I watched the video…. then it was obvious.
If you have a smartphone with its own finger….then what is the human for?
Markus Schäfer, Someone has to be spied on.
I rather look forward to the day that a phone can give you the finger.
All I need it to do is to crawl off to plug itself into an outlet, and to catch Pokemon for me.
“Ouch.” – E.T.
Actually, I was envisioning the finger actuating its own phone’s touchscreen, no doubt coordinating the robot revolution.
Actually, there are zones on my back that I always have trouble scratching.
this is just too fucking creepy for me.
first nightmare I ever had was about the “disembodied hand” that crawls up the side of the bed and chokes you.
whoever thought this was a good idea apparently has no conception of creep factor.
I’m going to have to rethink some phrases I associate with my phone, such as:
– Putting the phone on vibrate
– Butt dialing
Anybody have any other phrases?
Might get one, if only so that I can program it to walk/slide the phone and it off of the table, falling into a caldron of boiling oil that I’ll keep just for that purpose when I’m called outside of work hours.
Just wait till it learns to touch itself..
Amateurs. Check this for comparison: