“I keep saying to people if you want to know our domestic agenda, it is science, science, science and science, and by the way that’s our national security foundation as well.”
Roger Scottsays
Geometric scaling is where he came to grief. He had the right amount of chutzpah though.
IMHO, what they’ve done with the speakers’ list can be turned against them if it’s used to dramatize the point that this is what the science curriculum itself would look like in the Texas classrooms if they have their way:
He may not know much about art, but he knows what he likes.
So, has anyone spotted in in Google Earth yet? I’m searching around Hungerford, but no luck yet.
At least his dad seem to be a dick about it…oops.
At least his dad DIDN’T seem to be a dick about it…oops.
What’s interesting is it’s done in a geometric style similar to some aboriginal tribes and contrasts in an interesting way with the old fashioned style of the house.
I was thinking it was a cargo-cult landing strip because he’s not getting any.
Don’t miss the link to the drunken gorillas on the same page. They’re lovely!
Before you all deeply analyse the painter’s subconsciousness, think twice: What else could he have painted onto a canvas of that shape so that it still is an offensive prank?
I don’t know how long this kid expected his efforts to go unnoticed by his parents for it to appear on Google Earth. The images often go several years between updates. The close-up images in my area have been recently updated, but before that their source was some eight years out of date. It seems some people think it’s a live service – I’ve actually encountered someone who thought they could see what the traffic was like on their route home that day using Google Earth, and was disappointed not to see the cars actually moving along the roads live and in real time…
Theres another image of the house on the Flash earth site – the microsoft link – but that too doesnt show the giant penis (it might be there but the roof is very bright in that picture – either that or the image, like that in google earth, was from before the painting was done).
In Paris, there is also the Eiffel Tower, the Triumphal arch, the pyramid, and other various pornographic columns !!!
Damn, so close… if only he’d said ‘get’ instead of ‘scrub’ it’d have been a keeper.
Or “rub”.
In Paris, there is also the Eiffel Tower, the Triumphal arch, the pyramid, and other various pornographic columns !!!
At the NASA center where I work, there is an experimental facility, mostly a 500-foot-deep hole in the ground, for doing short-duration microgravity experiments. It’s known unofficially as the Martha Washington Monument.
Someone needs to do something like that to the Creation Museum and then blame it on divine intervention.
I think I know what’s going on here. The home was facing foreclosure, so the boy thought if he could get the house designated a historical landmark, it would be safe. So he tried to make a companion piece to the Rude Man of Cerne.
This is what happens when you don’t allow the teaching of human anatomy in schools. (shakes head) You’d think the kid could’ve at least looked in a mirror.
Still better than what I could do.
Nice house. One’d have thought they could afford to hire a professional, though.
I guess there’s one kid who was just dickin’ around.
I like that the father is going to leave it there until the kid gets home. :)
As mentioned above, the kid was just maintaining and updating an ancient tradition. Nice story, we Brits value our eccentrics.
Considering the pervasiveness of the Google Singularity, I doubt he’s the only smartass to do something like this.
That said, I hope his dad can afford enough “white spirit” (I’m assuming he’s talking about either paint thinner or Coleman fuel?) and something for his son to breathe through, because I’d love to see this kid scrubbing…
My roof is about 4m wide and 13m long. I’ve often thought of painting
and seeing how long it takes to show up on Google Earth.
Does anyone sincerely believe that this child is challenged in the department of romance? He’s hilarious and he’s an international traveler. I bet he gets all the ladies.
@45: Speaking of not knowing anatomy, it’s facing away from the pool. It’s just the standard primitive cock and balls that ALL kids draw, as one poster mentioned, usually on each others’ homework to embarrass one another. I actually smiled seeing it, knowing that kids draw the same crude rendition everywhere… :)
mmmmmm… phallus
OT, but since there was an earlier thread discussing politics and science funding, I’d thought I’d post a very small but bright light:
Nancy Pelosi:
Geometric scaling is where he came to grief. He had the right amount of chutzpah though.
Thanks, Ichthyic [#2] for opening this to off-thread comments.
But first, what do we know about that kid’s own anatomy (maybe his graffito is correct, for him?).
Now, off-thread, about the Wed 3/25 hearings in Austin:
First, a decent op-ed in the Washington Post, at
Also, I’ve posted the Austin speakers’ list at
IMHO, what they’ve done with the speakers’ list can be turned against them if it’s used to dramatize the point that this is what the science curriculum itself would look like in the Texas classrooms if they have their way:
1. Strength
2. Weakness
3. Strength
4. Weakness
5 Strength
6. Weakness …
Dobson rep Saenz has said that Weaknesses make up “half the information” that the students should be getting in their science classes. (See
http://curricublog.wordpress.com/2009/01/17/fmf-lies/ )
He may not know much about art, but he knows what he likes.
So, has anyone spotted in in Google Earth yet? I’m searching around Hungerford, but no luck yet.
At least his dad seem to be a dick about it…oops.
At least his dad DIDN’T seem to be a dick about it…oops.
What’s interesting is it’s done in a geometric style similar to some aboriginal tribes and contrasts in an interesting way with the old fashioned style of the house.
Banksy he ain’t.
The intent was iconic, not naturalistic. It rather reminds me of the Rude Giant in that part of the world.
I just took him for a fundie who had never seen one (even his own!).
maybe we should start him off easy with some snail porn…
It’s like the bat-signal, but for Dr. Manhattan.
Zeno @ #5:
Monty Python quote = automatic thread win.
It looks like a dick drawn by ancient Peruvians.
#13 FTW
I was thinking it was a cargo-cult landing strip because he’s not getting any.
Don’t miss the link to the drunken gorillas on the same page. They’re lovely!
Before you all deeply analyse the painter’s subconsciousness, think twice: What else could he have painted onto a canvas of that shape so that it still is an offensive prank?
It was based on an ancient figure carved into chalk. That is why it is not anatomically correct!
Rich people can do so many fun things.
@Murray (#6): Here’s the house on Google Maps, but it looks like the satellite images were taken before the guy discovered his artistic side:
I don’t know how long this kid expected his efforts to go unnoticed by his parents for it to appear on Google Earth. The images often go several years between updates. The close-up images in my area have been recently updated, but before that their source was some eight years out of date. It seems some people think it’s a live service – I’ve actually encountered someone who thought they could see what the traffic was like on their route home that day using Google Earth, and was disappointed not to see the cars actually moving along the roads live and in real time…
Theres another image of the house on the Flash earth site – the microsoft link – but that too doesnt show the giant penis (it might be there but the roof is very bright in that picture – either that or the image, like that in google earth, was from before the painting was done).
Damn, so close… if only he’d said ‘get’ instead of ‘scrub’ it’d have been a keeper.
Wonder how much Phizer would pay to put a logo on it?
Right, he needs to learn some anatomy.
Apparently, he modeled it after me, but he made it too small…
In Paris, there is also the Eiffel Tower, the Triumphal arch, the pyramid, and other various pornographic columns !!!
Or “rub”.
At the NASA center where I work, there is an experimental facility, mostly a 500-foot-deep hole in the ground, for doing short-duration microgravity experiments. It’s known unofficially as the Martha Washington Monument.
This kinda thing is old hat. When I was in high school, friends would draw dicks all over your homework when you weren’t looking.
…On further consideration, I guess that isn’t really the same thing.
“An overview of anatomy”! Get it? An “overview”? PZ slays me sometimes.
Epikt(@#29), that’s pretty funny.
Back home in Budapest we have a stadium, a courtyard and a smaller, new arena make a pretty accurate, though stylised, depiction of male genitalia:
(Just to add, the city also has a man-size public statue depicting a female reproductive organ… It might be the only hermaphroditic capital city)
“Man-size,” huh?
Guess that depends on the (ahem) man.
Someone needs to do something like that to the Creation Museum and then blame it on divine intervention.
I think I know what’s going on here. The home was facing foreclosure, so the boy thought if he could get the house designated a historical landmark, it would be safe. So he tried to make a companion piece to the Rude Man of Cerne.
I could be wrong.
True, it is actually bigger then most men:
This is what happens when you don’t allow the teaching of human anatomy in schools. (shakes head) You’d think the kid could’ve at least looked in a mirror.
Still better than what I could do.
Nice house. One’d have thought they could afford to hire a professional, though.
I guess there’s one kid who was just dickin’ around.
I like that the father is going to leave it there until the kid gets home. :)
As mentioned above, the kid was just maintaining and updating an ancient tradition. Nice story, we Brits value our eccentrics.
Considering the pervasiveness of the Google Singularity, I doubt he’s the only smartass to do something like this.
That said, I hope his dad can afford enough “white spirit” (I’m assuming he’s talking about either paint thinner or Coleman fuel?) and something for his son to breathe through, because I’d love to see this kid scrubbing…
My roof is about 4m wide and 13m long. I’ve often thought of painting
and seeing how long it takes to show up on Google Earth.
Does anyone sincerely believe that this child is challenged in the department of romance? He’s hilarious and he’s an international traveler. I bet he gets all the ladies.
It’s aimed to pee into the pool.
@ 10,
@45: Speaking of not knowing anatomy, it’s facing away from the pool. It’s just the standard primitive cock and balls that ALL kids draw, as one poster mentioned, usually on each others’ homework to embarrass one another. I actually smiled seeing it, knowing that kids draw the same crude rendition everywhere… :)