So now there isn’t any candidate worth voting for.
Janine, Disingenuous Jackasssays
Oh, dammit! When a wanton slut like Bride Of Shrek wins this thing…
Cardinal Ssays
Woot, You boobies are working :((
Cardinal Ssays
Are there rights and privileges or prizes associated with this great honor?
Paul W.says
Kudos to that slut Bride of Shrek for a well-deserved Molly, and especially to windy, who was overdue for a win.
Thank you all! I didn’t even have time to vote yet, but for the record, I was going to vote for Paul W and Nick Gotts (keep that anti-American propaganda coming, Nick! ;)
When a wanton slut like Bride Of Shrek wins this thing…
Ahem! Are you implying that I’m not a slut? First Henry Gee tells us we’ve never had sex, and now this? Think of my reputation!
Congratulations to you both!
Congrats Bride of Shrek and Windy!
Reginald Selkirksays
Are there rights and privileges or prizes associated with this great honor?
Are you asking about pure salary, or do endorsements count as well?
Janine, Disingenuous Jackasssays
Ahem! Are you implying that I’m not a slut? First Henry Gee tells us we’ve never had sex, and now this? Think of my reputation!
Posted by: windy
It seems I have to amend my statement.
Oh, dammit! When wanton sluts like Bride Of Shrek and windy wins this thing…
Janine, Disingenuous Jackasssays
I wish I could edit my statements.
Oh, dammit! When wanton sluts like Bride Of Shrek and windy win this thing…
Bride Of Shrek you ignorant slut!!
Salopes !
Congratulations Bride of Shrek and Windy! Well done! :)
keep that anti-American propaganda coming, Nick! ;) – windy@12
Thanks windy, I will! All together now: “America is evil! America is evil! America is evil!” ;-)
Salutes to two new Mollys, long may you blow.
Remember that Molly Ivins was born August 30, 1944 and she died January 31, 2007. Lay in your favorite beverage and invite the neighbors for the birthday celebration.
Answer to #8 Cardinal S
The sweet privilege is being listed in the Commenters Section. Go and Behold.
No no no. You have to chant, “Live si Acirema! Live si Acirema!” for maximum evil.
Windy is from Finland no ? Bride of Shrek ? Just curious.
Longtime Lurkersays
Sluts, yes… ignorant? Never!
Congratulations to the Mollicious sluts of June.
The Bride is from Oz.
Kudos Windy and Bride of Shrek. Well done, well deserved.
….did someone say slut?
Request to PZ
Peter Irons and Richard Lenski and hopefully other worthies of the future;
how about their Promethian Honours?
Clarifying the criteria is difficult, but we know it when we see it and the votes will be quick.
Bill Dauphinsays
Clarifying the criteria is difficult, but we know it when we see it and the votes will be quick. [emphasis added]
Perhaps we should call it the Potter Stewart award?
OT, but I know the hyperthyroidesque feeding frenzy (aka “Did you hear that Obama wants to do THIS horrifying thing?” when he really doesn’t) will hit here soon, so here’s the antidote, courtesy of Steve Benen:
1) Prior to Bush, religious organizations and local, state and Federal governments had worked together for a very long time without much incident, largely because of the heavy-duty strictures and safeguards that existed.
2) Bush ripped out or ignored those safeguards.
3) Obama intends to restore them.
4) The AP botched the reporting to make it sound as if he wasn’t.
I also want to mention another fact: Since we’re not likely going to soon get a tax structure of the sort that obtained during Eisenhower’s presidency, then the only way that Obama can start to restore major portions of the frayed social-programs safety net (which was shredded by tax cuts for the rich and deficit spending that led to cuts on social spending) is with the aid of religious charities.
Well deserved, both! And two more non-ignorant sluts are added to the roster.
Matt Penfoldsays
What! We give awards to sluts now ? That’s it. I am going to sulk!
Congrats, oh noteworthy posters, Bride of Shrek and Windy.
Oh come on now Matt, this is a celebration of sluts… get up and flounce around! ;)
Congrats to you both! Keep up the great work.
#31 Bill Dauphin
No not Potter Stewart, I had forgotten that that otherwise excellent phrase related to pornography.
Speaking of phrases that should never be used frivolously, “drink the Kool-Aid”.
Two things about that: one, it was Flavor Aid, and two, that mass murder and suicide is too horrific to be trivialized. Remember, the children were given the cyanide drink by the adults, and several of the visiting delegation were shot to death.
About 900 people died that day. There should be a real Hell for people like Jim Jones.
Dennis Nsays
Congrats! Don’t slack off now!
Benjamin Franklinsays
Congratulations windy & Bride of Shrek
Crudely Wrottsays
Two large thumbs up for two worthy ladies who give me the ol’ one-two. They are a delight to listen to and damn! they’re pretty smart, too. -Large lascivious grin-
Quick question. Does having the Order of Molly bestowed on you make either of you want to get up and do a happy dance? (Meaningful glance at Matt #35 and a wink at Patricia #38.)
I think I’ll happy dance myself back to work now. ;-)
Matt’s still sulking?
Look out Bride of Shrek & Windy, Matt’s playing hard to get in hopes of one of you sluts offering to give him a good spanking.
Back to happy dancing!
Your OM page would be a bit easier to read if it were sorted with the newest entries on top. Kind of like a Blog…
Best, Noah
How cool is this? Way to go BofS and windy!
“I am sorry, but we are all out of pickles…”
“I don’t think so, sport, do you know who I am???”
Molly elitism at the local Burger King.
Bride of Shreksays
“Remember to salute when they walk by”.
I don’t walk, I SASHAY!
Seriously, thanks all, I’m humbled to be in such elite company on the OM board. It is all Pharyngulites that I should be thanking for teaching me, on a daily basis, so much about science and the world we live in. Congrats to Windy, you are a much better deservee than I. I shall drink a toast tonight in your honour ( something Finlandish- vodka maybe?)
My high school Guidance Counsellor was wrong when she said being a slut wouldn’t ever get me anywhere. Stick that Mrs Grey,you old bag.
Congrats Windy and Bride of Shrek.
Let’s hope the success for Queenslanders continues into the State of Origin tonight.
Go Maroons!
Huzzah Bride of Shrek!
Now I believe I’ll flounce off for a sangria & limes myself.
No grog & swill tonight for Matt. He’s far too moody to get all likkered up.
Congrats to Windy, you are a much better deservee than I. I shall drink a toast tonight in your honour (something Finlandish- vodka maybe?)
No need to be modest, you are at least as deserving as me! (of both the drink & the award) Vodka is ok but Finns prefer Koskenkorva (industrial alcohol, spring water and a dash of sugar, mmm) Foster’s is probably a reasonable approximation of most Finnish beer (=boring) At least you have your own wine over there…
A place that honors smart and classy sluts is a place I need to hang out in more often.
Congrats you two.
The local beer in Queensland is XXXX (pronounced ‘four-ex’) and it’s truly vile. Fortunately, there are other beers avaiable there such as Boags, Crown Lager and Cascade.
Well deserved,Bride of Shrek and windy !!!
Congrats !!!!
I’ll raise a pint of LapinKulta in your honour, windy.
Holy shite! Matt has been sulking for 10 hours? That’s pathetic Matt.
I petition the two Molly Sluts to deny Matt a turn on the spanking couch.
And just to show you that we Strumpets mean business, I not only refuse you any grog and swill tonight, but I officially cut your bar tab to 12 ducats.
Have a care Matt, 10 more hours and dogs will be dispatched to your house to hump your leg.
*she said sweetly*
Congrats to both!
I would have voted for windy, but I don’t read nearly as many comments as I should, so I’ve kinda missed her – my loss, obviously. I do know she’s been here since the beginning, though, and I think I may even have voted for her once before. (And anyway, I couldn’t resisted the two word vote.)
Congratulations! To both the remarkable winners! I’ll delete the notes I made for Raven and Aquaria (now that I’ve figured out how to use that feature) – they’ll just have to be just as clever this month.
John Phillips, FCDsays
Somehow I forgot about windy in my nomination but glad to see PZ has honoured her along with our resident antipodean slut :)
I do know she’s been here since the beginning, though
“In the beginning, PZ created Pharyngula…” Well, maybe not quite that long, IIRC
Congratulations to windy and Bride of Shrek. Continue in the stream of erudition and repartee!
BoS OM, windy OM – may I be the first to congratulate you!
Damn! Well, the second to congratulate you will have to do!
not really the place, but wanted to make sure you guys saw this:
So now there isn’t any candidate worth voting for.
Oh, dammit! When a wanton slut like Bride Of Shrek wins this thing…
Woot, You boobies are working :((
Are there rights and privileges or prizes associated with this great honor?
Kudos to that slut Bride of Shrek for a well-deserved Molly, and especially to windy, who was overdue for a win.
Thank you all! I didn’t even have time to vote yet, but for the record, I was going to vote for Paul W and Nick Gotts (keep that anti-American propaganda coming, Nick! ;)
When a wanton slut like Bride Of Shrek wins this thing…
Ahem! Are you implying that I’m not a slut? First Henry Gee tells us we’ve never had sex, and now this? Think of my reputation!
Congratulations to you both!
Congrats Bride of Shrek and Windy!
Are you asking about pure salary, or do endorsements count as well?
Ahem! Are you implying that I’m not a slut? First Henry Gee tells us we’ve never had sex, and now this? Think of my reputation!
Posted by: windy
It seems I have to amend my statement.
Oh, dammit! When wanton sluts like Bride Of Shrek and windy wins this thing…
I wish I could edit my statements.
Oh, dammit! When wanton sluts like Bride Of Shrek and windy win this thing…
Bride Of Shrek you ignorant slut!!
Salopes !
Congratulations Bride of Shrek and Windy! Well done! :)
Congrats to both of you for your long overdue recognition.
Grats Windy!
keep that anti-American propaganda coming, Nick! ;) – windy@12
Thanks windy, I will! All together now: “America is evil! America is evil! America is evil!” ;-)
Salutes to two new Mollys, long may you blow.
Remember that Molly Ivins was born August 30, 1944 and she died January 31, 2007. Lay in your favorite beverage and invite the neighbors for the birthday celebration.
Answer to #8 Cardinal S
The sweet privilege is being listed in the Commenters Section. Go and Behold.
No no no. You have to chant, “Live si Acirema! Live si Acirema!” for maximum evil.
Windy is from Finland no ? Bride of Shrek ? Just curious.
Sluts, yes… ignorant? Never!
Congratulations to the Mollicious sluts of June.
The Bride is from Oz.
Kudos Windy and Bride of Shrek. Well done, well deserved.
….did someone say slut?
Request to PZ
Peter Irons and Richard Lenski and hopefully other worthies of the future;
how about their Promethian Honours?
Clarifying the criteria is difficult, but we know it when we see it and the votes will be quick.
Perhaps we should call it the Potter Stewart award?
Congrats you two!
And I register my concern for recent winner Etha.
OT, but I know the hyperthyroidesque feeding frenzy (aka “Did you hear that Obama wants to do THIS horrifying thing?” when he really doesn’t) will hit here soon, so here’s the antidote, courtesy of Steve Benen:
Shorter Steve Benen
1) Prior to Bush, religious organizations and local, state and Federal governments had worked together for a very long time without much incident, largely because of the heavy-duty strictures and safeguards that existed.
2) Bush ripped out or ignored those safeguards.
3) Obama intends to restore them.
4) The AP botched the reporting to make it sound as if he wasn’t.
I also want to mention another fact: Since we’re not likely going to soon get a tax structure of the sort that obtained during Eisenhower’s presidency, then the only way that Obama can start to restore major portions of the frayed social-programs safety net (which was shredded by tax cuts for the rich and deficit spending that led to cuts on social spending) is with the aid of religious charities.
Well deserved, both! And two more non-ignorant sluts are added to the roster.
What! We give awards to sluts now ? That’s it. I am going to sulk!
Well done Bride of Shrek and Windy.
Sluttiness is good. I want to be a slut.
Congrats, oh noteworthy posters, Bride of Shrek and Windy.
Oh come on now Matt, this is a celebration of sluts… get up and flounce around! ;)
Congrats to you both! Keep up the great work.
#31 Bill Dauphin
No not Potter Stewart, I had forgotten that that otherwise excellent phrase related to pornography.
Speaking of phrases that should never be used frivolously, “drink the Kool-Aid”.
Two things about that: one, it was Flavor Aid, and two, that mass murder and suicide is too horrific to be trivialized. Remember, the children were given the cyanide drink by the adults, and several of the visiting delegation were shot to death.
About 900 people died that day. There should be a real Hell for people like Jim Jones.
Congrats! Don’t slack off now!
Congratulations windy & Bride of Shrek
Two large thumbs up for two worthy ladies who give me the ol’ one-two. They are a delight to listen to and damn! they’re pretty smart, too. -Large lascivious grin-
Quick question. Does having the Order of Molly bestowed on you make either of you want to get up and do a happy dance? (Meaningful glance at Matt #35 and a wink at Patricia #38.)
I think I’ll happy dance myself back to work now. ;-)
Congratulations to you both! Good work.
Congratulations windy and Bride of Shrek!
Brava Bride of Shrek! Brava windy!
Matt’s still sulking?
Look out Bride of Shrek & Windy, Matt’s playing hard to get in hopes of one of you sluts offering to give him a good spanking.
Back to happy dancing!
Felicitations to our new Finno-Antipodean pair of Mollies.
Patricia @ 20 Oh what the heck; you can still twirl.
Ok, now I can reveal that the REAL reason both windy and BoS were selected is for the mud-wrestling tournament being planned for later this month…
Your OM page would be a bit easier to read if it were sorted with the newest entries on top. Kind of like a Blog…
Best, Noah
How cool is this? Way to go BofS and windy!
“I am sorry, but we are all out of pickles…”
“I don’t think so, sport, do you know who I am???”
Molly elitism at the local Burger King.
“Remember to salute when they walk by”.
I don’t walk, I SASHAY!
Seriously, thanks all, I’m humbled to be in such elite company on the OM board. It is all Pharyngulites that I should be thanking for teaching me, on a daily basis, so much about science and the world we live in. Congrats to Windy, you are a much better deservee than I. I shall drink a toast tonight in your honour ( something Finlandish- vodka maybe?)
My high school Guidance Counsellor was wrong when she said being a slut wouldn’t ever get me anywhere. Stick that Mrs Grey,you old bag.
Congrats Windy and Bride of Shrek.
Let’s hope the success for Queenslanders continues into the State of Origin tonight.
Go Maroons!
Huzzah Bride of Shrek!
Now I believe I’ll flounce off for a sangria & limes myself.
No grog & swill tonight for Matt. He’s far too moody to get all likkered up.
No need to be modest, you are at least as deserving as me! (of both the drink & the award) Vodka is ok but Finns prefer Koskenkorva (industrial alcohol, spring water and a dash of sugar, mmm) Foster’s is probably a reasonable approximation of most Finnish beer (=boring) At least you have your own wine over there…
A place that honors smart and classy sluts is a place I need to hang out in more often.
Congrats you two.
The local beer in Queensland is XXXX (pronounced ‘four-ex’) and it’s truly vile. Fortunately, there are other beers avaiable there such as Boags, Crown Lager and Cascade.
Well deserved,Bride of Shrek and windy !!!
Congrats !!!!
I’ll raise a pint of LapinKulta in your honour, windy.
Holy shite! Matt has been sulking for 10 hours? That’s pathetic Matt.
I petition the two Molly Sluts to deny Matt a turn on the spanking couch.
And just to show you that we Strumpets mean business, I not only refuse you any grog and swill tonight, but I officially cut your bar tab to 12 ducats.
Have a care Matt, 10 more hours and dogs will be dispatched to your house to hump your leg.
*she said sweetly*
Congrats to both!
I would have voted for windy, but I don’t read nearly as many comments as I should, so I’ve kinda missed her – my loss, obviously. I do know she’s been here since the beginning, though, and I think I may even have voted for her once before. (And anyway, I couldn’t resisted the two word vote.)
Congratulations! To both the remarkable winners! I’ll delete the notes I made for Raven and Aquaria (now that I’ve figured out how to use that feature) – they’ll just have to be just as clever this month.
Somehow I forgot about windy in my nomination but glad to see PZ has honoured her along with our resident antipodean slut :)
I do know she’s been here since the beginning, though
“In the beginning, PZ created Pharyngula…” Well, maybe not quite that long, IIRC
Somewhat late to the awards ceremony, I am, I am.
Heartiest congratulations to you both!
The MadPanda, FCD