So, in a Pharyngula thread Giliell observed:
Actually I do think that people, especially white men*, voting for Trump because they want to live in a world where they can “grab them by the pussy” (or tit) and not face any repercussions is quite a sensible hypothesis.
*I will forever not understand white women
Which led me to think: isn’t the heterosexuality of women who grow up in communities where men’s entitlement to sexual assault is the norm rock solid proof that sexual orientation isn’t a choice?
I mean seriously, if being raped *did* cause het women to forever reject sex with men and become radical lesbian feminists, you’d quick-as-fuck see a heterosexual men’s movement to stamp out rape.
Or a movement that doubled down on rape.
Or a movement whining that #notallmen, and that it’s unfair.
(Ok, realistically all 3. And we kinda already have all 3 without it. …anybody go a meteor that could be diverted to earth? Asking for a friend)
If sexual orientation were a choice, men who choose to be heterosexual would rarely get to fuck.
Though I do know quite some women who are heterosexual but who decide that what men are offering just isn’t enough because dick may be nice but the dude attached to it is less so.
But remember that women not fucking men is a grave injustice. Seriously, I got told so by a gay dude upon remarking that should I, heavens forbid, ever go looking for a partner again, (cis) men would be off the table.
Giliell @2:
A long time ago, long before I’d ever heard the word “transgender” and simply assumed I was male like I was told, I remember thinking that it was odd that more women weren’t lesbian, given what assholes most men are. Why would you subject yourself to that?
And now that I’ve transitioned, I still don’t get it. I call myself lesbian mainly because I can’t imagine a man who would feel safe enough for me to get intimate with him. Not having grown up as a girl, I didn’t have all the awful experiences that cis women have, but I still had enough with men, and especially masculine men, that I’d be happy if I never had to deal with one for the rest of my life. I sometimes try to imagine having sex with a man, and the idea of having a penis in my (future) neo-vagina is sort of intriguing, but only if I can forget that there’s a man attached to it. I keep reminding myself that men are human, too, but the bad experiences (and the horror of male socialization) keep intruding.
Penises can be found attached to non-men, and under the right circumstances many people have found them fun & diverting. If you want to include PiV in your future sex repertoire, I’m sure you’ll have opportunities. And if you can’t find a penis attached to a person who attracts and interests you, there are always strap-ons which have the advantage of coming in almost endless varieties of length, girth, shape, rigidity & texture. Just walking through a sex toy shop can be, in the words of the immortal Tim Currie, “Stimulating! Stimulating!”*
*From his song “I Do the Rock”, not from Rocky Horror.
There are occasionally non-terrible cis men, but I admit they’re rarer than gold in rivers.