Sir David Attenborough’s Real Name: Boaty McBoatface

Well, it’s happened: Boaty McBoatface has slipped into the water. Though the shipwrights still have a good deal of work to do over the next few months before the ship is ready for its first polar voyage, this is still an important step, and a good excuse to bring up again the wonderful moniker the ship almost had before the fuddy-duddies declared the name Sir David Attenborough to be the winner despite losing the popular vote by a wide margin. We can only hope that this works out better for the UK than a similar voting travesty has been working out for the USA.

I’ve Been Gone A Few Days

Part of it is the normal cycle of health stuff & part is that a friend needs some help right about now & the last part is that I’m teaching myself to bake sourdough bread from scratch. That wasn’t time consuming when I was just feeding the sourdough starter a couple times a day for a week, but the actual bread making is quite time consuming. I’d upload a picture, but WordPress hasn’t been letting me do that for the past few days and I don’t quite have time to figure out what’s wrong.

I’ll be back to a more regular posting schedule soon, though! See y’all then.