The Insecurity Apocalypse

I don’t mean a lack of security in tech or otherwise infosec/opsec. That’s probably well on its way, mind, but that’s Marcus’s beat more than mine.

I mean the dudebro insecurity apocalypse, which has become increasingly hard to ignore, no matter how much the particular dudebros wish it could be and tell their cult-flavored followings it isn’t happening. [Read more…]

ACAB: All Cops Are Broken

We know this. It’s not news. Most of us have seen at last a couple of exposés on cop training and the crazy lengths it goes to now. We know they’re afraid all the time and trying to hide behind all that armor and a nice comforting blanket of bullets.

What’s not always made clear is: it’s literally, deliberately, traumatizing. Cop behavior is weaponized PTSD. Below, a video with an ex-cop talking about what it did to him: [Read more…]

You Are Not Ninjas

The “audit” in Arizona has not gone to wingnut plan.

The final report was set to be released Friday, the result of a monthslong partisan review funded partly by taxpayers. The draft circulated Thursday night, showing the results of the review’s chaotic hand-count of all 2.1 million ballots in Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. The tally in the draft document showed a net gain of 360 votes for Biden over the official results.

[Read more…]

Eating in the Age of COVID-19

There is a video circulating about how to minimize one’s exposure to viral contamination from groceries by a Dr. Jeffrey VanWingen. Most of us have seen it by now, I’ve shared it elsewhere, voyager posted it over on Affinity, and so on.

It’s good. It’s also not good. I don’t really blame the doctor for this, we’re all if not in the dark, at least ‘in the dim’ about how to deal with all of this. So here’s that and some more information and my best guesses. [Read more…]