You heard about all the businesses capitulating to the fresh fashy vibes of the new ameriKKKa? Tossing diversity initiatives, LGBTetc protections? Amazon doing this is particularly shit because like many tech companies, they have a disproportionate number of trans women in computer programming. You’d think that would count for something, but here we fucken are.
Red state leftists don’t want to vote because it feels hopeless, but here’s the thing. If all of you got up and voted at the next opportunity and lost, it would send a message to the world, loud and clear. The kind of message electoral politics can ignore, yes, but not the kind of message that corporate america can afford to ignore. If the nazis win the next one by electoral margins but lose by 80% of the popular vote? That is a show of force for human rights, for humane policies, for progress. Corporations will realize that catering to the nazis is not the wisdom, and at least one source of human misery will become substantially less miserable.
That’s where the real power is at the moment. Corporations. They have all these fiefdoms carved out in the legalized monopoly game, so boycotts can only do so much. But demographic information that their advertisers can use, that is something they’ll pay attention to.
Give it a whirl, please? And who knows? Maybe there’s still a sliver of a hope in hell that democracy can move this needle slightly away from endless calamity, right? Throw me a fuckin’ bone here. Do it on a lark. Do it on a dare. Do it high on bin laden weed with a six-pack of beer. Just do it.