Ah, it’s a good day to be alive and bearing the Mark of the Beast. I can do commerce and have the rights of a citizen of the One World Government, unlike those freaky christians. Man, who’d wanna be like them? I heard sometimes they disappear leaving behind a pile of empty clothes. Serves ’em right. Wait, I was talkin’ about how it’s a good day.
Back to that. So I’m out here mindin’ my biz when some christians were down on the street corner talkin’ about how much they love their savior. Wotta laff, but also, it made me angry for no reason at all, and I was wondering. If I turn in a sicko, will I get a reward? Like, maybe from one of those New Age Healers appointed by the United Nations to indoctrinate the youth into righteous atheistical thinking. They probably got loot under those cone hats with the nucular symbol on ’em.
Or they can gimme credits to use at the megastore, stock up on spiced lamb of god. Deeee-lish. I sure hope I can get a reward. If I turn in a sicko.
Yeah I’m lookin at u, jeezy people. Step on up.
The street level Jesus People are trash mobs. They turn their money over to the higher ups at their cult so their loot drops are terrible. At the same time, there are so many of them the NWO can’t afford to pay a good bounty per scalp. You would think that an organization making money out of thin air would have more but that’s the way it is.
out of character for a moment, one of the more wild spam comments i’ve gotten purported to be from a guy who had joined the actual illuminati, and it solved all of his financial problems, and you too can join the actual real deal illuminati what controls everything. infinite monies!
The same Illuminati who hosed everything up so badly in The da Vinci Code? They don’t seem all that competent, if an agnostic Harvard symbologist can take ’em down.
the very same! love those guys. all illuminated and shit.