Something Something Soup Something – It’s a browser-based game about classifying things as soup or not soup. A fun philosophical exercise for the whole family! It shows that when people are asked to define soup, they use a slightly different definition from the one they use to classify soup. Also, soup is a metaphor for video games.
Everything You Need to Know about Gun Rights (also see part 2 and part 3 tba) – Crip Dyke explains the history of the 2nd amendment, and how it wasn’t intended to guarantee individuals’ rights to guns. This is all news to me, I don’t know anything about constitutional history.
Hillary Clinton almost ran for president on a universal basic income – In her memoir, Clinton says they seriously considered campaigning for universal basic income, but decided not to when they failed to come up with a realistic policy proposal. I have mixed feelings about this. Should she have included it in her campaign anyway? And why didn’t Bernie campaign on UBI, since apparently, a lack of realistic policy doesn’t otherwise stop him?