… here are two ringtail possums cavorting on our power cable, just like the birds do in the daylight. I just used my powerful head torch and the little Canon Powershot so it’s a little grainy!
They’re quite the acrobats, sometimes I surprise them near the house and they jump a fair distance to the waiting arms of the nearest tree. Many years ago there was an elderly possum that liked to sleep in a particular fork not far above the hard ground. I’d hear a soggy thump and a heart felt gaaasp as it hit the ground after losing its grip. For some months after that I left a cushion under the branch to make its landing a bit more gentle.
Cuter than squirrels!
I’d hear a soggy thump and a heart felt gaaasp as it hit the ground after losing its grip. For some months after that I left a cushion under the branch to make its landing a bit more gentle.
These are such cute animals. That would be pretty exciting to see them out there playing on the wire like that.
Oh what cuties. Yes, absolutely adorable
They’re quite the acrobats, sometimes I surprise them near the house and they jump a fair distance to the waiting arms of the nearest tree. Many years ago there was an elderly possum that liked to sleep in a particular fork not far above the hard ground. I’d hear a soggy thump and a heart felt gaaasp as it hit the ground after losing its grip. For some months after that I left a cushion under the branch to make its landing a bit more gentle.
Cuter than squirrels!