From Avalus,
I do have something to share, but it requires a bit of a back story. In June 2018 (has it really been that long?), Caine posted about hair braiding styles. (
I commented that I have a friend who likes to play with my hair, and I would post pictures of her handiwork.
Sadly, due to several sicknesses, we did not get together until earlier this week again for her birthday. And of course, she did something cool with my hair, which I now want to share.
I do feel very sad that I could not make good on my promise for Caine.
Have a good holiday season, stay safe and Fuck Cancer!
Avalus, you have alot of hair.
That is a fantastic braiding job. And what a great way to honor the memory of Caine.
Your friend is very talented!! And your hair looks wonderful.
You both must have a lot of patience.
Thank you all, praise will be forwarded!
I have long hair since … forever. I just like it that way. I wonder if there will be enough pressure on me one day to cut it short.
It took her about three quarters of an hour, I guess? Not much patience on my part was needed, as I love having my hair played with :D
I hope you all have a nice new years eve.
This looks awesome, your friend is very talented indeed!
And I love your hair, avalus, I don’t know why you would ever want to cut it short! :D