I cannot read the channel name or the descriptions of the videos, but this young lady shows remarkable skill in this video and I had to share it immediately. YouTube recomendations have done well.
Yes! I love that channel. I think of it as the “Chinese woman doing Chinese things Channel.” The photography and the woman and her crafts are all lovely.
There is another channel I think of as the “Chinese Woodworker does pointless but amazingly conplicated woodworking Channel.” It’s also a favorite in spite of the awkward name.
What incredible craftsmanship.
I saw this a while ago and was blown away, thank you for posting it so I can watch it a second time!
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
That’s the first time I’ve seen someone make furniture out of bamboo. The skill shown was just stunning.
Simply amazing, it’s directly a fav channel.
Thanks for sharing this around, Charly!
Yes! I love that channel. I think of it as the “Chinese woman doing Chinese things Channel.” The photography and the woman and her crafts are all lovely.
There is another channel I think of as the “Chinese Woodworker does pointless but amazingly conplicated woodworking Channel.” It’s also a favorite in spite of the awkward name.
What incredible craftsmanship.
I saw this a while ago and was blown away, thank you for posting it so I can watch it a second time!
That’s the first time I’ve seen someone make furniture out of bamboo. The skill shown was just stunning.
Simply amazing, it’s directly a fav channel.
Thanks for sharing this around, Charly!