![Maps crated by reddit user generalscruff.](https://i2.wp.com/freethoughtblogs.com/affinity/files/2018/07/9k48p6j4eob01.png?resize=1600%2C2600&ssl=1)
Maps crated by reddit user generalscruff.
Click for giant size!
The 12 maps above are a tongue-in-cheek look at the various ways the UK is divided besides Brexit or how to pronounce scone.
And before anyone complains, they are meant to be humorous and should not be taken too seriously.
You can see each map in more detail below: click over for this!
![Map created by reddit user generalscruff.](https://i0.wp.com/freethoughtblogs.com/affinity/files/2018/07/oIsHLKb.png?resize=1821%2C3089&ssl=1)
Map created by reddit user generalscruff.
Click for giant size. You can see more of this here.
Now that’s some social science.
Bucky hah!
That Buckfast sounds right interestin’. ;D
What, no malt vinegar for the chips?
Vinegar is there -- it’s the chip sauce. :)
Caine Bucky has an odd distribution ;D It’s not something I’d drink on it’s own, but it’s quite good for adding that ‘something’ to mulled wine.
Some facetious responses:
1: No self-respecting Wiganer would patronise a Greggs. They’d go to one of the other fifty or so bakeries within a half mile of the town centre that could sell them a superior pie. (Wigan is in the north-west and their residents are known as “pie eaters” in reference to the town’s miners being starved back to work and thus forced to eat “humble pie” in the General Strike of 1926. We reclaimed the insult with pride before gay people and black people made doing so cool.)
2: “Ale”? Bitter please. Mild if you’re over 60. “Ale”. Pfft.
3. No civilisation in the birthplace of Shakespeare. OK.
4. Islamic fundamentalism happens outside London. I watched a screaming crowd burn books in the street and throw bricks at policemen in 1989, and that wasn’t in London.
5. The Lake District that inspired Wordsworth, Coleridge and Wainwright is “Post Industrial Depression”… OK.
6. The Beatles, The Smiths, Oasis, New Order… all brass bands, apparently.
Other than that -- pretty accurate, I’d say.
Who are the curiously aggressive people that both punch horses and go shirtless at freezing?
Notice that Shakespeare moved away from there to get work…
People who have drunk a bottle or three of Buckfast?
As a resident of the curry sauce and mushy peas zone, I feel it’s important to state that American Style* chip Spice is our main condiment of choice.
*I have never met an American who knew of this style of chip spice
@Holms, 7: I can understand a non-UK resident being curious about this strange species. And pace Caine, they wouldn’t drink Buckfast -- that’s strictly for the Jocks.
Geordies, of course.
Athywren! How nice to see you.
Well, this one certainly hasn’t. :D
sonofrojblake @ 11:
You seriously need to work on your humour detector, it’s malfunctioning. Christ.