The Zombie cake is also outright delicious: (not actually) red velvet cake (double recipe), cherry compot and German buttercream with lots of cocoa powder on top, decorated with crushed cookies for the earth.
Ice Swimmer
They’re all the rage now, especially for children’s parties.
Ice Swimmersays
It’s a good mixture of cute and creepy.
Giliell @ 11
I’ve been out of the children’s parties scene for the last 30+ years, so no wonder I’m out of touch 8-). From a short web search, they’re also known here and called kakkutikkari (kakku = cake, tikkari* = lollipop).
* = the number of ks is rather significant, tikari means a dagger, tikkari is short for the slightly old-fashioned tikkukaramelli, direct translation “stick candy” or “candy-on-a-stick”
Ice Swimmer
How does the second K feature in pronunciation?
Ice Swimmersays
Giliell @ 13
In Finnish, a written doubled consonant means a geminate, which you don’t have in German and English. A double k is “longer” and considered to be split between two syllables.
If we look at tikkari and tikari, syllable by syllable, we have tik-ka-ri and ti-ka-ri, so the approximate pronounication could be, (with stress on the first syllable, all vowels short, “i” like in “Spitz” and “a” like in “Tanz” and a strong tongue-tip rrrolling r) tick-ka-ri and ti-ka-ri.
So much awesome.
What are the green fingers made of?
Marzipan, which has a better texture for this than fondant. The finger nails are almonds.
I really like marzipan.
I mean reaaalllyyy love marzipan.
presssssiousssss looooove marzipan.
The fingers are awesome and you’ve come up with multiple ways to employ the Schokoküsse (those brown, dome shaped thingies, chocolate kisses).
Oh, the witch’s cauldrons aren’t Schokoküsse but cake pops, respectively the cut off bottom of the two cakes that make up the pumpkin.
Incredible, absolutely woderfully made.
Those fingers are creepy.
I just love the zombie fingers cake, it’s brilliant.
I’ve never heard of cake pops until now. It’s nice to learn new, unexpected things.
The Zombie cake is also outright delicious: (not actually) red velvet cake (double recipe), cherry compot and German buttercream with lots of cocoa powder on top, decorated with crushed cookies for the earth.
Ice Swimmer
They’re all the rage now, especially for children’s parties.
It’s a good mixture of cute and creepy.
Giliell @ 11
I’ve been out of the children’s parties scene for the last 30+ years, so no wonder I’m out of touch 8-). From a short web search, they’re also known here and called kakkutikkari (kakku = cake, tikkari* = lollipop).
* = the number of ks is rather significant, tikari means a dagger, tikkari is short for the slightly old-fashioned tikkukaramelli, direct translation “stick candy” or “candy-on-a-stick”
Ice Swimmer
How does the second K feature in pronunciation?
Giliell @ 13
In Finnish, a written doubled consonant means a geminate, which you don’t have in German and English. A double k is “longer” and considered to be split between two syllables.
If we look at tikkari and tikari, syllable by syllable, we have tik-ka-ri and ti-ka-ri, so the approximate pronounication could be, (with stress on the first syllable, all vowels short, “i” like in “Spitz” and “a” like in “Tanz” and a strong tongue-tip rrrolling r) tick-ka-ri and ti-ka-ri.