Furfur, Earl of Hell, Commander of 29 legions of demons. Furfur causes love between a man and a woman, creates storms, tempests, thunder, lightning, and blasts, and teaches on secret and divine things. [Oooh, scary.]
“The whole thing about the issue of taking the knee in sports,” he said, “understand what really is the warfare there is a spirit of globalism which is saying that no nation is worth bowing for, no nation is worth respecting, no flag is worth dying for. Satan wants to eradicate the nation state so that he can create a union of nations—that’s what the immigration thing is all about; by the way, I just realized, that’s what the climate accord is all about. I always thought there was something demonic and suspicious about these things. Now I get it.”
I guess I’m all over glad you “get it” Lance, but no thinking person is going to get whatever it is you’re rambling about. The protests aren’t saying anything of the kind; they are pointing out the hypocritical jingoism which is prevalent in uStates; people who happily wrap themselves up in a flag and pile of rotten peaches, claiming their right to be often murderous racists. No one should respect that. If a foundation is rotten, it’s pointless to plaster your eyes on the roof and extol its virtues.
The ‘immigration thing’. Mmmm, well, immigration is about people, first and foremost, Lance, not things. Immigration has been going on since…always. If you live in uStates, and you are not an Indigenous person, then you really, really need to shut the fuck up about immigration.
And now the climate accord is demonic. Some of us, Lance, not being idiots, would rather have a somewhat stable future in front of us, especially those with children, who are looking many generations ahead of them, and rightly worried about whether or not they will even be able to survive on our world. I won’t be around to see the worst, but what we’re seeing right now is bad enough. Most countries are fortunate enough to be populated with citizenry who are not embracers of regressive ignorance. They realize their very future is at stake. Here in uStates, however, it won’t be until great swathes of the country are rendered uninhabitable and food is in short supply that people like you will get the fucking message, and even then, you’ll holler the oh so convenient “Satan!” You and those like you are committing crimes against humanity. It’s a pity you can’t be tried.
Wallnau said that the left’s goal is to create a new world Antichrist system in which all nations are dissolved, which is why they are at war with President Trump, who is “a nation-state patriot.”
I’m not the least bit interested in your fictional antichrist, dude, nor does anyone want all nations dissolved, even if they do want them all to behave a bit better. The Tiny Tyrant is an unashamed white nationalist, white supremacist, bigot extraordinaire piece of rancid shit. That would be one reason I’m happily anti-regime and anti-Pinchpork. The full list of reasons would take up quite a bit of space.
The left, he warned, dreams of seeing the world turned into “one gigantic bureaucratic machine, assimilated by the United Nations, run by European bureaucrats, controlled by a one-world economy and eventually isolating Christians out of that community and making you the Jews in national socialist Germany.”
Oh for fuck’s sake. What do you idiots take to come up with this nonsense? I’m hoping you take something, because an unaltered brain shouldn’t be manufacturing this crap. Don’t be dragging Germany into this, Lance. Stick with your own fucked up country, where Nazis and fascists are running loose all over the place. If they got their way, Lance, you wouldn’t be persecuted. You’d be dressed up in a nifty uniform, and be put in charge of persecuting others, something I expect you fantasize about.
He didn’t mention the gays. Major fail.
Furfur. Such an unassuming name!
I wasn’t aware that love between a man and a woman was a bad thing to cause. How ignorant of me!
Also seems rather “Western”-centric. One gets the impression of a Jerusalem-is-the-centre-of-world map with the “centre” being moved to someplace like Berlin.
Cute, isn’t it? Apparently, it means bran. It’s thought the name is a corruption of Federicifer, the Latin word for scoundrel. Well, Federicifer is a mouthful.
I expect they meant sex, of the kind you weren’t supposed to get caught indulging in. Or love which put asunder and all that, like it needs to be demon caused.
Furfur, by name and appearance, seems more Pokemon than demon.
Or maybe they’re the same thing.
James Robinson:
A good many christians are convinced that Pokemon is demonic, so…yeah.
If you ask me, Furfur is just a twisted christian representation of Cernunnos or other horned deity. Christians turned everything they didn’t like into demons or fallen angels. Technically, Furfur was in the angel category. It was said that if he was trapped in magic triangle, he reverted to angel form.
That’s even better!
Touched by a Furfur?
:Laughs: Sure, why not?
Didn’t I see this demon in Oglaf a while ago???
I have no idea, but I wouldn’t be suprised. :D