From Kestrel, who notes: J. Chris Morel (website: ) is a local landscape artist who does a fall workshop every year, just as the leaves are starting to turn. By great good fortune, I got to attend the workshop this year. The workshop lasts for 3 days, and each day we traveled to two different magnificent locations to paint. Chris would paint a demo for us, explaining how he handles that particular subject and giving excellent and detailed instruction in learning how to “see” a landscape, how the color of the shadows work and many other things. On day two, the morning location was where the chamisa was in its full glory.

Another of our locations, where we set up and painted. The workshop was extremely informative and it was a great honor to be able to attend. Chris was a terrific instructor. I hope I can do it again next year!
© Kestrel, all rights reserved.
I’d say you have a pretty nice painting there, Kestrel.
Thank you very much. I sure learned a lot, landscape painting is a new discipline for me.