Ryan Roy, a former Pizzeria Uno cook who was fired for attending a white nationalist rally (Screen cap).
Ryan Roy, the charmin’ gent pictured above, was outed as a participant in the nazi mess in Charlottesville. He was identified by activists who don’t think nazis marching around is a great idea, and his employers (a South Burlington Pizzeria Uno), to their credit, promptly fired him. Naturally, Mr. Roy is being incredibly whiny about it all. Perhaps you shouldn’t choose asshole nazi as a lifestyle, given that it has consequences. Unfortunately, the massive overload of irony doesn’t seem to have impacted Mr. Roy at all. My head, on the other hand, feels right caved in.
In an interview with the Free Press, Roy decried the liberal activists who got him fired from his job and alleged they weren’t tolerant of his belief that white Americans should have their own country that is separate from all racial minorities.
Oh, well, open a beer, Mr. Roy, I’m a liberal who is happy to support you wanting your own country – get the fuck out of this one, and find one. I’ll drink to your good riddance. It’s my understanding that there are often islands for sale. Perhaps you could start there, and I’m sure in no time you could have Whitesylvania or whatever.
“I think it kind of just proves my point, proves a lot of what I think, not that I needed further proof,” Roy said. “I think it’s group think.”
Oh, rats below. You were the one in a large group, carrying torches, and chanting “blood and soil” and “Jews won’t replace us”, and you want to accuse others of group think.
Roy freely admitted to attending the rally, which he said was designed to advocate turning the United States back into a “white” country.
“Obviously I would advocate for racial separation and racial nationalism or repatriation or even a return to — our country was a white country up until the 1965 Hart-Celler Immigration Act,” he said.
“Our country”. You can fuck right off, Mr. Roy. This isn’t your fucking country, and it most certainly was not white when you colonial thieves showed up and starting slaughtering everything in sight. You want white? Fine, march yourself off and find a place you can be deliriously white. It will not be this country, who has no use for fucking nazis.
Via Raw Story.
“they weren’t tolerant of ” his intolerance. Who’d’a thunk? His tears are delicious.
How the hell would this maroon know what this country was like in 1965? He wasn’t alive then and its apparent to me he never actually read a book about this country before he was born. There is a reason why the statue of liberty has all that stuff about ‘give me your tired, your poor’ etc… This country was built by killing as many brown people who were here already that could be killed and by the brown peoples of the world who were made slaves here. How convenient for them to forget that. Assholes.
I know that screen-captures can be less-than-flattering
Return to what? Looks like his “speaking to reporters” filter kicked in mid sentence.
I think he really means “white supremacist country”. Now the brown and black people who always existed are getting all up his nose, but he thinks its politically expedient to blame that on “recent immigration”.