Great tits building nest, cool! I still do not know whether I succeeded in wooing tits to nest in my garden. I saw them checking out the nesting box, but not actually entering it.
The first picture looks like olive tree branch. I wonder what it is, because Kaiserslautern is not that warm so olive trees can grow freely. Or is it?
Charly, it is indeed an olive tree, but in a huge pot.
The park has a lot of old trees and I kind of stalked those. One thing about birds in public parks is that they are pretty tolerant of noise and people.
Love those hanging branches.
Great tits seem to be nesting.
Great tits building nest, cool! I still do not know whether I succeeded in wooing tits to nest in my garden. I saw them checking out the nesting box, but not actually entering it.
The first picture looks like olive tree branch. I wonder what it is, because Kaiserslautern is not that warm so olive trees can grow freely. Or is it?
Charly, it is indeed an olive tree, but in a huge pot.
The park has a lot of old trees and I kind of stalked those. One thing about birds in public parks is that they are pretty tolerant of noise and people.