The Tiny Tyrant’s proposed budget, which is a bloody nightmare, is basically being ignored. Pity these same assholes who have simply decided to not listen are perfectly content with ramming the fuck you healthcare plan through.
An unnamed Republican Congressional leadership aide tells New York Times reporter Glenn Thrush that Congress has already become accustomed to ignoring directives and suggestions from the Trump White House, as much of the time they seem far removed from the realities of federal budgeting.
“Its a joke,” the aide said of Trump’s budget. “We’ve learned not to listen to anything he says or does. We’re on our own.”
Senior aide to Hill GOP leadership on Trump/budget: 'its a joke…we've learned not to listen to anything he says or does. We're on our own'
— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) March 16, 2017
Senior aide to Hill GOP leadership on Trump/budget: ‘its a joke…we’ve learned to not listen to anything he says or does. We’re on our own’
The Trump budget would gut EPA spending by 31%, while also slashing State Department spending by 28%. The plan would also eliminate federal funding for popular programs such as Meals on Wheels, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Congressional Republicans have grown increasingly frustrated with Trump’s habit of making wild, unsupported assertions, such as his claim that former President Barack Obama ordered an illegal wiretap of Trump Tower.
Great, so you’re finally figuring out you have an uncontrollable sociopath in office, and your solution is to not listen? Yeah, that’s one hell of regime you have going there. Via Raw Story.
Congressional Republicans have grown increasingly frustrated with Trump’s habit of making wild, unsupported assertions
“Trickle down” reality isn’t so fun when it’s trickling down on you is it?
Really Marcus?
I understand that Trump enjoys being trickled on.
Busterggi: I bow to your snark-fu. Is that dragon claw school, or clueby4?
Bok Choy Fu.
I probably shouldn’t feel this way, but hearing about this brings a smile to my face. It’s relieving to think that the scumbags in Congress still aren’t stupid enough to think Trump’s proposals are good ideas. Also, if the dipshits in the Whitehouse and the shitheads in Congress are fighting each other, it’s good for us. We should encourage them to fight amongst themselves to distract them from getting anything done, and hopefully make them tear themselves apart.