The man responsible for planning President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration says the event will be notable for its “soft sensuality.”
In response to a question about whether he had enough performers for the swearing-in, Tom Barrack, the chairman of the inauguration committee, told reporters to expect something “beautiful.”
“We’re fortunate in that we have the greatest celebrity in the world, which is the president-elect, side by side is the current president…So what we’ve done instead of trying to surround him with what people consider A-listers is we are going to surround him with the soft sensuality of the place,” Barrack said in the lobby of Trump Tower.
“It’s a much more poetic cadence than having a circus-like celebration that’s a coronation.”
Oh, right. As if people are going to believe the King of Crass, the Prince of Pussy Grabbing didn’t want to put on the bigliest, yuuuugest circus ever. It’s always interesting to see just what shit people try to spin when things don’t go the way Donny wants. I guess all those frantic pleas that went out to one entertainer after another were what, performance art? I’ve never bothered to watch any inauguration, and this one I’ll be especially pleased to skip, but I have to say that even if I had planned on watching, the words “soft sensuality” combined with “Donald Trump” would effectively scare me away.
Naturally, the Twitterati are all a twitter over this latest spin.
Full story at CBS News.
Well, that’s one way to respond to the inability to get anyone of artistic note to grace Trump’s inaugural.
Also? That flag-humping image is creepy as hell. Just look at Trump’s face! Ewww. What possesses someone to hug a flag like that, anyway?
1. Seeing the word ‘sensual’ used in relation to Donald Trump makes me queasy.
2. How is someone who just lost a popularity contest by 2.5 million votes ‘the greatest celebrity in the world’?
What a sickening image.
Before anybody asks, that other flag represents the State of Florida -- where sheer tackiness and derangement are yuuuge.
Is there a way to get on the “A-list” other than “what people consider”?
At least he won’t be talking to a chair.
The phrase “softly sensual” in conjunction with Trump brings to mind the concept “liver lips”. I’m not going to elaborate, because *gag* and *shudder*.
1. Uhm, it’s a presidency, not a TV show.
2. So the other person you’re proud to have is only there because he’s got to be there. I suspect Obama would rather get a root canal done if he had the choice.
3. Soft sensuality? *Shudder* What, candlelight and 80s soft rock?
1. It’s more like 3 million votes
2. This is a bit off topic, but I’m constantly baffled by all those discussions of “what the democrats fucked up so badly”. It’s an open admission that some people’s votes count a hell lot more than other people’s votes and that therefore the former group is much more important than the other (and funny how closely that aligns with race).