The people of Florida murder 72,000 babies every year while the “pro life” politicians we’ve elected to protect them attempt to regulate the practice of child sacrifice as if it were healthcare, instead of addressing it as murder. The governing authorities of our state possess the moral, legal, and constitutional duty to establish justice for all human beings within their jurisdiction, including the pre-born fatherless by prohibiting the slaughter of children in the womb. Contrary to widespread misinformation, the right to murder humans is not protected by the Constitution and our legislature is not bound by any law or duty to aid or abet the Supreme Court in their attempted perversion of it. On the contrary, they are duty bound by their oaths to support, obey, and defend the United States Constitution and oppose such perversions and abuses of it. We demand that our legislators stop passing laws to regulate abortion. We demand the total and immediate abolition of human abortion.
Some evangelical Christians in Florida are already making plans for the 2018 ballot, and they want heads to roll. Specifically, they want abortion declared a capital crime, premeditated murder, so that any person who seeks and obtains an abortion, as well as any doctor who perform the procedure, to be arrested and tried, while eligible for the death penalty. Why that’s just so stunningly pro-life, it’s smacked my gob.
Their resolution to the Florida legislature can be read here. Be warned, it’s done in very bad ‘colonial constitution’ style, a la the header above, with each clause beginning with a flourished “Whereas”.
Their constitutional amendment petition is a tad more on the modern side:
Given that our state legislature has thoroughly failed to establish justice for the pre-born, Abolitionists in Florida have taken it upon themselves to attempt to put such a measure before the people and make way for the abolition of abortion.
Unlike our Resolution, this is an official constitutional amendment initiative petition. When enough signatures are collected, it may become a state question on the ballot for a vote. With enough votes, it will become law in Florida. Please sign and collect signatures (instructions below).
BALLOT SUMMARY: Abortion deprives an innocent human being of the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Any person who performs or procures an abortion shall be guilty of premeditated murder in the first degree, and any person who attempts to perform or procure an abortion shall be guilty of felony attempted murder. This provision shall prevail over any other conflicting provisions.
ARTICLE AND SECTION BEING CREATED OR AMENDED: Amends Article I to create a new Section 28.
FULL TEXT OF THE PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT: Article 1, Section 28. Abortion is Murder – Inasmuch as abortion deprives an innocent human being of the inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, any person who performs or procures an abortion shall be guilty of premeditated murder in the first degree, and any person who attempts to perform or procure an abortion shall be guilty of felony attempted murder. This provision shall prevail over any other conflicting provision(s). “Abortion” means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device, to intentionally kill an unborn human being. “Unborn human being” means the offspring of human beings, from the moment of fertilization of the ovum of a female individual by the sperm of a male individual until either live birth or natural death, whether conceived and/or located inside or outside the body of a human female.
Daz was nice enough to render the resolution into text, so here it is:
We are calling on the legislature to do its job and protect the innocent.
WHEREAS all human beings are created in the image of God, and are thus endowed by their Creator with an inalienable right to life—
WHEREAS governments are instituted by God among men, being charged with the duty to secure this right and establish justice for all—
WHEREAS the Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land throughout all the states and territories of our nation—
WHEREAS the Constitution of the United Slates mandates that no state shall deprive any human being of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any human being within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws—
WHEREAS the Constitution of the United States in no way, shape, or form gives the Supreme Court the right to pervert the meaning of the Constitution and impose this perversion upon the other branches and/or states with the legal force of the Constitution itself—
WHEREAS the policy of following judicial precedent (stare decisis) is merely a judicial policy and not a rule of law mandated by the Constitution—
WHEREAS our state legislators, judges, and executive officers have sworn a solemn oath to support, obey, and defend the Constitution of the United States—
WHEREAS murder deprives an innocent human being of life—
WHEREAS abortion is murder—the murder of the weakest and most innocent human beings within our midst—
WHEREAS any government that allows murder to go unpunished has abandoned its most basic moral duties and obligations—
We the people of the State of Florida are:Resolved. That by allowing the murder of innocent children to go unpunished, the government of the State of Florida has abandoned its most basic moral duties and obligations—
Resolved. That by falsely claiming that the “right” to murder one’s child is a right mandated by the Constitution of the United Stales, the Supreme Court has perverted the meaning of the Constitution—
Resolved. That our state legislators, judges, and executive officers are bound by neither law nor moral duty to accept or enforce this perversion of the Constitution—
Resolved. That our state legislators, judges, and executive officers are bound by solemn oath and moral duty to oppose this perversion of the Constitution within our state—
Resolved. That our state legislators, judges, and executive officers are bound by solemn oath and moral duty to provide the equal protection of the laws to all human beings in our state.
we hereby respectfully demand that our state government stop protecting the murder of children by abortion within its jurisdiction and establish justice for all pre-born human beings in our state. We demand that our legislators stop passing laws to regulate abortion, and instead outlaw all abortion as murder. We demand that our judges fulfill [sic] their oaths of office and stop rubber-stamping the Supreme Court’s perversion of the U.S. Constitution in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. We demand that these changes be made now—not five, ten, or fifteen years down the road. In short, we the people of the State of Florida demand the total and immediate abolition of human abortion as the legal, Constitutional. and moral duty of our elected and appointed officials.
With the law worded as such, it would end in-vitro services in the state.
The Jesus Taleban should have no business whereassing other people’s rights away. Therefore I have resolved to suggest that they go and stand knee-deep in Lake Okechobee, wearing jeans.
Is masturbation haploid murder of potentially gargantuan hordes of people? I’m asking for, uh, a friend.
As far as Mormons are concerned, yes. Back in the day, when Rick was young, and off at yet another Mormon camp retreat, they got yet another lecture on the evils of masturbation, a horrible evil, because all those good, Mormon souls waiting for bodies, yada, yada, yada. Rick and his friends wandered off and organized a circle jerk to kill a million souls.
Not to leave other Christians out, mind, none of them are fans of masturbation.
Since the “Resolution” consists of three graphic files (presumably ’cause they wanted to use that pretentious olde-style font and don’t have a clue how to use custom fonts—and also presumably because they’re not interested in attracting bigoted users of screen-readers), here is said resolution in all its textuated glory:
Daz, wow, thank you for that! I thought about typing all that out, and just shook my head, I have to get all sorts of stuff lined up for tomorrow, because I won’t be home at the keyboard. Thank you, thank you!
Nae worries. And oops! I accidentally lower-cased all the “resolveds.” There again, they buggered up too. To be Authentically Olde, their all-caps should have been small-caps.
Uhm, fatherless? I admit it’s been a while since I did this pregnancy thing, but IIRC, I needed somebody we will conveniently call “father” to do so.
But Kudos to them for being honest in their desire to murder women, other pregnant people and their healthcare providers
(may contain bitter cynism)
Interesting to note too that their proposed ballot measure would ban some effective means of contraception -like the IUD. They would likely argue to ban the pill too -- so far as I know it has never been proved to prevent implantation, but many anti-choice zealots like to claim it does.
So…given that many zygotes fail to implant naturally (I’ve read estimates going as high as 70%), and pregnancies end in miscarriage about 25% of the time (I’ve experienced that and no, it is no fun)…my question is, would they advocate investigating all miscarriages and stillbirths as possible criminal acts? There have been a few zealots advocating that sort of thing in the recent past (the most recent I can recall was a woman in MO or OK.) Who gets to investigate all these potential, uh, murders? Questions questions.
I believe that yes, this is where they would be headed. It was in South America somewhere (El Salvador?) where this is pretty routine, and, as it turns out, is kinda routine in some states already. :/
Perhaps they should investigate and try god himself for those 70% miscarriages or failures to implant, because he seems to be at the forefront of this ummmm genocide.
I’ve always liked (ha!) that phrase ‘all people are created in the image of god’, because well, god looks like absolutely everyone (and no one!) as long as they’re appropriately pale. Then there’s that whole disappointment when someone bothers portraying Jesus as something other than typical surfer dude. The category ‘all people’ appears to be severely limited.