I think I’ll just let you all read everything and reach your own conclusions. It’s no secret that Christians struggle with sex, let alone sexuality. You can’t really ignore that struggle when Christians are constantly attempting to mandate their view of sex and sexuality into law.
Porn-Again Christians: What Happens When a Biblical Literalist Launches a Sex Site?
The initial article, linked above, is safe. Be warned that the site under discussion there is not safe for work, so have a care with your clicks.
Someone needs to do an analysis about renaissance and mediaeval art and what kind of erotic content was hidden in it. It oughtn’t come as a surprise to anyone that church art was the porn of its day.
As a kid I remember being fascinated by the lurid depictions of hell on medieval cathedrals (particularly Conques, which I was subjected to on a regular basis) Look at Lot’s face in the painting above!! Leery McLeerface Lot! There are sooo many paintings of Lot and his daughters before he raped them -- it seems like it was a good opportunity for church artists to get a bit of youth boob in paint. Wtewael’s is my favorite; it’s downright lewd.
Marcus Ranum @ # 1 -- Eh what?
According to the story, the daughters raped Lot.
Actually™, the daughters raped Lot.
The daughters don’t have names.
refresh before posting
the daughters raped Lot
How old were they?
These cultists “decorate” with images, statues, etc., of a nearly-naked man being tortured. P0rn of the extreme sado type.
There are two stories about Lot, his daughters, and rape: Genesis 19:4–9, Where Lot provides his daughters to some visitors to be raped, and Genesis 19:30–38, where the daughters rape Lot.
There are two stories about Lot, his daughters, and rape
Yeah, I got that confused.
It’s pretty funny that, given the abrahamic religions’ fondness for blaming women for their sexuality, people are willing to believe that lot’s daughters raped him. Not that I think any of it happened or any of these people existed at all, but, seriously, this is one of those “a good goat’ll do that” stories.
These cultists “decorate” with images, statues, etc., of a nearly-naked man being tortured.
Not surprisingly, there are people who fetishize erotic crucifixion.
FWIW, exposing children to images of “sadomasochistic abuse” was a crime under COPA. The christians didn’t quite think that whole thing through apparently. I used to have a lot of fun filing takedown requests against crucifixes where I didn’t want to see them.
According to The Book Of Dave, the tale of Sodom & Gomorrah was the cover story of a man driven from his home town after the suspicious disappearance of his wife, and having to explain how his preteen daughters got pregnant, to folks at his new settlement. Hey, if Ezekiel can retcon a moral of the story to rescue it from its brutal origins, then so could the author who supplied the Genesis take.