…As a result of Target’s transgender bathroom policy, the retail chain has now become the target of a boycott. Though not as substantial as the boycott which has sighted North Carolina in its crosshairs (costing the state PayPal, a plethora of performing artists, and even the business of multiple municipalities), the newly implemented Target boycott could end up costing the company’s bottom line.
Apparently, to some, it’s legitimate for states to try to promote “bathroom bills” and other anti-LGBT legislation, but it’s crossing a line for a corporation to take as stand against discrimination. Target, as the first national retailer to publicly weigh in on the LGBT subject publicly, is bearing the brunt of conservative anti-LGBT activism.
Now, The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target, and has gathered hundreds of thousands of signatures of those who intend to boycott the retail giant. Target is also dealing with backlash pertaining to its transgender bathroom policy on social media.
On Saturday, April 22, Breitbart reported that over 250,000 people had already signed the boycott petition circulated by the American Family Association. According to the American Family Association’s Director of Government Affairs, Sandy Rios, Target “jumped into” the transgender bathroom debate, effectively saying that “men who claim to be women may use whatever bathroom or changing room they choose.”
According to Rios, a “gender neutral” bathroom would be enough to satisfy herself and her organization, although she doubts that such a compromise would “satisfy the left.”
The AFA would be satisfied with a “gender neutral” lav? Somehow I don’t think so. I think they want nothing to do with unisex lavs. What I think they do want is for Target to install a brand new lav labeled “freaks”.
The American Family Association president had some words to share about the Target transgender bathroom policy himself. As Yahoo! News reports, Tim Wildmon posted an open letter to the public regarding his thoughts on the Target bathroom policy. Not surprisingly, he wasn’t impressed.
“Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. This means a man can simply say he ‘feels like a woman today’ and enter the women’s restroom… even if young girls or women are already in there.”
Wildmon must be absolutely thrilled that’s he found a way back into the limelight. Please, Tim, do us a favour and crawl back into your cave.
I was going to Target soon anyway; now I’ll make a longer list of things I need just to spite the haters.
Good for you. :D I haven’t been to a Target in ages, but I do need a vase, so I’ll go next week.
The only surprise here is that The capital-L Left agrees on everything, so obviously a gender neutral washroom is going to be met with universal scorn because… reasons!
Signed, a Lefty who thinks gender neutral washrooms are kinda rad, actually?
Meh, they’ve tried worse to erase me.
Yeaaaah, I don’t get that shit about the gender neutral lavs, I know damn well the AFA wouldn’t be happy about them. I’m all for gender neutral / unisex or whatever. I’m beginning to be in favour all lavs being labeled “Pee Station” and leaving it at that.
(Admittedly, the classic French pissoir — which seems to be disappearing — is not very female-friendly…)
Yes, that was my first thought (as a nationwide re-label), then I remembered where I am. I don’t imagine it would go over all that well, and half of uStates wouldn’t be able to figure it out.
To wit, there’s one pissoir here, aaaaand:
This country is a hotbed of fuckin’ parody. Chock full of stupid, too.
And the problem is?
I mean USAliens now call facilities “restrooms” or “bathrooms” — the former is misleading, the later inaccurate, and both confuse the feck out of everyone else.
Sod the males.
That San Francisco pissoir looks to be basically the “classic French design”, which does have the problem it’s awkward(at least) for females to use, albeit actual females(other than the mildly deranged penguin, that is) might disagree.
Oh, it’s not a problem where I’m concerned. I was taught lavatory, and that’s not exactly correct, either.
That said, were you still here when the whole ‘freedom fries’ thing happened? Actually, if was crudely Americanized to pisser, it would probably go over well enough.
No. What I found rather amusing was that, since (obviously in my opinion) “french fries” or “chips” or “frites” or whatever you want to call are disgusting(albeit not as inedible as peas), you could just as well call them “euroican larded tubers” and, other than being somewhat more accurate, it would show how absurd the whole rubbish was(and that particular bit of rubbish “food” is…).
Freedom pee.
Heh. I’d be willing to bet #Freedompee would take right off.