Facts are pesky things

Facts are annoying to a snake oil slaesman, they can threaten and even topple a foundation built on anti-facts. It may sound strange to those of us who dwell in the reality based universe, but many in the Teaparty wingnut division of the GOP are just now hearing how out of step they are with that reality. Paul Ryan offers a window into the dissonance [Read more…]

DNC off to a helluva start with Michelle Obama: full speech below

There were some real barn-burners at the DNC last night, one of several is below the fold. This one is the First Lady, Michelle Obama, and it includes the lead in from non professional regular mom Elaine Brye; the real America, the real middle class, it was a theme that ran throughout the evening and it ran well. MObama’s speech is being judged the best ever delivered by a first lady, and one of the things that made it so good was it’s all true, nothing forced, nothing spun. Oh, and as a superficial male obsessed with my own insecurities and the body shaping it evolved into over time, I have to say, the First Lady may have been hitting the gym, real hard, because she looks a little bit buff. [Read more…]

THIS time the conservatives are REALLY gonna do it!

Yes, we’re right back to that old saw. Elect Mr Romney and he will singlehandedly — along with Ryan and the America people — slash taxes, slash regulations, strengthen Social Security and Medicare, bolster defense, balance the budget,and pay down the deficit. Like any snake oil pitch, this one begins with a tiny element of truth, a teensy-weensy admission that’s supposed to make us think, hey, maybe they’re finally coming around to reality: [Read more…]

Rev Moon finally freaking dies

To which I say, Hallejuah! The guy who fleeced thousands and thousands of young people out of every last cent, out of  promising futures, in many cases stealing their very dignity using the religious protection racket, has finally passed away. Alas, the cause of death was not slow roasting in flames or lingering necrotizing genitalia, as would be appropriate for a social predator of this caliber: [Read more…]