Republicans credit Romney with … getting bin Laden

A recent PPP poll contained a startling statistic: when Republicans were asked “Who is more responsible for bin Laden’s death, Mitt Romney or Barack Obama,” 47% answered “Not Sure,” and another 15% chose Romney.

IOW, most Republicans hate Obama so much that they can’t bring themselves to correctly answer that question even though they know what the answer is. That’s an astonishing look into the cognitive dissonance and delusional mind of today’s right, and it ought to scare the living shit out of everyone. Cross tabs and links here.

Probably not a Mormon takeover … BUT

Reader Dobby linked an interesting article published a couple of months ago, and it got me thinking about something I’ve been thinking about for a while now. The piece covers Mormon business practices. What’s been turning around in my tiny brain: given the popularity of conspiracy and end day stories on the delusional right, and their deep religious insularity and ethnocentrism, it’s easy to see a scenario where a hunk of that caucus goes balls deep into Mormon conspiracy theories, especially if Mitt Romney wins: [Read more…]

Romney promises to protect a God

Eager to downplay the success of the 2012 DNC and anxious to put the gaffes and empty chairs of its counterpart behind him, Mitt Romney vowed to protect “God” this weekend to anyone with a camera or mic. It’s unclear if the GOP nominee was referring to the God he believes in, who will reward faithful Mormons like Romney with an exo-solar planet of their very own to rule in the quasi-afterlife, the Jesus-God-Ghost-human composite popular among Protestants and Catholics alike when they’re not trying to kill each other, or the ferocious deity that freed Moses and crushed Egypt. But I’d be willing to bet it’s not the God who spoke to Mohammed. [Read more…]

Google cranks up the res on maps

Mecca, Saudi Arabia where each year more than 15 million Muslims visit this important religious site. Here you can see Abraj Al Bait, one of the world largest clock towers, visible even from space!

I was reading about Google’s new map resolution, and it struck me this would have been very interesting had it happened during the cold war: [Read more…]

Big Dog shows up with a big stick

Bill Clinton showed up at the DNC last night carrying a big stick, and he used it to do some ass whupp’n. In what’s being called a virtuoso performance and covering the gamut of conservative zombie lies and delusions, the 42nd President managed to speak eloquently and at times with soaring rhetoric, yet minced few words and pulled no punches. Full speech below: [Read more…]