Another day, another double standard for women

Really nice, pretty much sums up the whole social conservative position on women and guns, and in more than one way:

Salon — A man in Florida shoots a man he finds having sex with his wife, killing him. A woman in Florida shoots the wall to scare off an abusive husband, harming nobody. Guess which one was acquitted? Guess which one was convicted? …

But you don’t have to guess, do you? I bet you can even guess which shooter was white and which was black.

Dumbass Republicans just can’t help themselves on rape

Conservatives know they’re supposed to keep their real views on abortion and rape quiet, they’ve been told point blank to not say the word rape at all, and last election two candidates that should have sailed to election in the Senate lost because they could not keep their mouth shut about conservative pseudoscience and rape. But they’re still at it:  [Read more…]

The two America’s on parade

In Wellsville things are great. Better than great, they’re selling a bunch of super rich stuff. I wish I lived there, in that America, or at least on the outskirts where I could visit once in a while, to taste basic financial security for a weekend. But I live in the other America, where you can also spend money! In fact you can rent all kinds of necessities and pay many times what they would cost if you could just afford to buy them. First a peek at how the well off are doing: [Read more…]