Slaying the Zombies of Climate Science

Via my colleague at Daily Kos — Both bad news and some not-quite-so-bad news about carbon dioxide emissions can be found in the 126-page report released Monday by the International World Energy Outlook: Redrawing the Energy Climate Map. The report notes that global, energy-related carbon dioxide emissions rose 1.4 percent in 2012, 31.6 billion tons, the highest ever. The United States reduced its CO2 emissions by 200 million tons since 2011, Europe by 50 million tons and, while China increased its emissions by 300 million tons, it was the lowest annual increase in a decade as the country upped its investment in renewable sources of energy and efficiency measures.

A rise is still a rise, however, and if no action is taken, there is no way to keep the world from exceeding an accompanying temperature rise of 2°C (3.6°F), the internationally accepted target that scientists say will present problems, but ones that we can adapt to. Without action, we’re headed for a 5.3°C rise (that’s 9°F). Catastrophic.

Grats: It’s a baby galaxy!

Segue 2

Galaxies aren’t just collections of stars. They also have to have a halo of Dark Matter cementing them together to qualify for that distinction. Otherwise any cluster would make the grade. There is an interesting new idea on how to explain Dark Matter making the rounds this week. Meanwhile, astronomers using the Keck Observatory have found what they believe is by far the tiniest galaxy ever seen, made up of only 1000 stars or so, that orbits the Milky Way just past the edge. [Read more…]

Snowden where for art thou?


The media and government hunt is on, both no doubt spurred by the implication of more embarrassing revelations to come from one Mr. Edward Snowden. A 29 year-old systems administrator for a shadowy and growing Intel-Industrial Complex of unknown proportion. He doesn’t have endless travel choices, but he has more than you might think: [Read more…]

Not too late to limit climate change, group says


The Hockey Stick graph — a paleoclimate reconstruction of global temperatures for the last millennium courtesy of Mann et al

Fossil fuel funded groups have stymied efforts in the US to make any headway at all on carbon emissions. But a Paris based group, the International Energy Agency (IEA), says we can limit the damage to a relatively manageable rise of 2° C (3.6° F) by the end of this century, if we wake the fuck up: [Read more…]

Booz Allen probably just recorded my Google search on “Booz Allen”

It worries me that private contractors are bellying up to the super double-secret Intel taxpayer gravy train. The one Snowden worked for and got access to a dizzying array of classified info is called Booz Allen, and they probably just recorded my search on that name on Google while researching this post. They’re probably recording you reading it, too. And I have a message for them:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
— 4th Amendment US Constitution

Maybe I’ll just leave that up on every post from now on. Since they know so much about us, what can we find out about them? [Read more…]

So how did Snowden get all this stuff?

By now you’ve probably heard that an 29 year-old employee of a private contractor was the source of the latest NSA spying leaks. How did he get all that stuff? Well, he got a lot more than he’s released, but short answer is he was a system analyst. I hope the video plays for your region, it is a rare, fascinating look into a secret community offered by someone with above average ability to articulate those complexities. Snowden could have sold this stuff, easy, to anyone, including front groups for North Korea or Al Qaeda (Link here). But he didn’t, that video — the fact that he’s so open — and the statements on it suggest strongly to me this is not your average whistle-blower.

I realize we’re in a dilemma here, we don’t want to encourage people to ruin their lives and careers fumbling around for infame in a gray area between justified citizen action and aiding enemies. But in the video … there is something heroic about this guy. I did not know such strength of character and brain-power existed in the NSA et al and I feel better knowing they do.

The Daily tip off

Skeptics, all hands on deck: I have a post on antivaxxars about to hit the front page of Daily Kos, at 9 PM Central. It’s gonna be fun. I chose to do this in a roundabout way, using the concept of an allotrope and chemical compounds to get across the idea of how a substance containing a toxic element may and may not be toxic itself depending on how the atoms are arranged before introducing thimersal, containing an antifungal antiseptic organo-mercury compound once considered a possible link to childhood autism. But the money quotes are below: [Read more…]