Faces of the War on Women

After the 2012 election we heard quite a bit of soul searching among the conservative movement. Some feel they should “rebrand,” change the pizza box but leave the pizza the same. Others felt they should change their policies. Yesterday House Republicans settled on changing the pizza delivery person. The video above uses the same tactic against them: [Read more…]

Elijah Cummings ruins Darryl Issa’s day

It’s not everyday a powerful liar is stone cold busted and held up to public ridicule in DC. But that’s what just happened to Darryl Issa (R-dejected), head witch hunter in the IRS scandal machine. Issa has spent the last few months claiming to any reporter who would transcribe his accusations that the IRS was focused on checking the tax status of conservative groups because Obama was secretly directing them from the Oval Office in classic Nixonian fashion. Issa went so far as to leak partial transcripts of closed door hearings that appeared consistent with his claim. Another member on the same House committee, ranking democrat Elijah Cummings, grew tired of Issa’s dishonesty. After warning the conservative teabagger he better fess up, Cummings finally released the full transcript: [Read more…]

Obama, Lord of the Flies, brings the plagues to Israel

I’m watching Maddow and literally laughing out loud at the opener: Obama is bringing plagues of locust down on Israel, and the evidence is there’s been flies seen buzzing around his head! I’m not sure that flies and locusts are related in any scientific way mind you, nor is it clear how Obama would control swarms of invertebrates beyond demon powers, but that’s hardly the point. The point is that black man is the antichrist! Turns out this stuff has been around for at least a few months: [Read more…]

If only sex was involved

Back in the go-go 90s there was a claim made far and wide afloat the various divisions of Wall Street biggies were separated from the rest of the firm by a firewall. So, for example, the firm would never ever think about putting buy recs on dotcoms rocketing up the NASDAQ simply to pad enrich senior execs, or use info gleaned from ongoing deals to advise newer, prospective clients who happened to be in competition with existing ones, for such tacky purposes like getting lucrative M & A or underwriting business. It was a questionable claim at best, we didn’t learn just learned how questionable until the dotcoms turned into dotbombs.

With that conflict of interest in mind, here’s our for profit private national security overlords, bellying up for some sweet, cloak and dagger petro-dollars courtesy of the UAE: [Read more…]

Hannity goes for the gold

When last we heard from Sean Hannity he was for data mining before he was against it. Having been exposed yet again as a partisan hypocrite, Hannity offers this …  defense? I guess, if by defense Hannity whining he’s completely consistent and a republican congressman agreeing is a defense. Look below and you’ll see this is nothing new for Sean Hannity, he was also against hacking emails before he was for it. [Read more…]

Global cooling: Wind up the wurlitzer and let her rip!

There’s no doubt the earth has undergone periods of relatively abrupt warming and cooling in the distant past. We know it defines the onset of the Pleistocene for example, marking the beginning of classic ice ages. I doubt you can find a biologist who thinks either one could happen without affecting ecosystems far and wide. But how long before the usual suspects strip out the paleo-climate and atmospheric context of this and enlist it to confuse the laypublic on climate change? [Read more…]