Florida teaparty hoisted by their own teatard


Indeed, that title has a delicious double meaning because of this deal. It’s kinda funny. Background: so on Oct 1, 2013, Obamacare goes live in the sense you can enroll if you are eligible. The images linked above take you to some basic info on how it will work. But briefly, there are these super websites that each state was supposed to set up. With info and links and enrollment checklists for various policies offered under the ACA. Because this WH and HHS are relatively competent, they anticipated two important things: some states would drag their feet because they’re currently run by the inmates dedicated to destroying evil Obamacare, and the online process would be confusing to many who are eligible, especially people who don’t spend a lot of time surfing. [Read more…]

The IPCC is out and so are the climate denialists

The “pause” in perspective. Chart courtesy of NASA GISS using meteorological station data of annual-mean surface air temperature change and base period 1951-1980

The IPCC is out with a new analysis of climate change and the verdict is hardly a surprise: there is a 95% probability that human industrial activity is far and away the dominant factor in forcing higher temperatures. Which means it’s time for the usual suspect to justify their extravagant salaries by taking to the pages of various publications and spread misinformation as far and as wide as fat stacks of cash and their wingnut enablers allow. [Read more…]

Last call & closing time


Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com

Thanks for the donations folks. This is my last bleg for now, unless something lucky happens, I’m sure it will be right back for the Holidays. For those who’ve asked, I’ve secured a physical address and posted it in the first comment below that is safe to send written checks or money orders to. Address envelope to Stephen Andrew, the bank tells me it’s fine to leave the payee blank. Thanks!

Conservatives release hostage demand list


Last day for bleg: Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com

Republicans have leaked their demands for not plunging the nation into economic apocalypse and it’s even more revolting than usual. Would you believe it’s a wish list of tax breaks and cash giveaways to big business and rich people, deregulation, neutering consumer protections for Wall Street, and a big “fuck you” to everyone else? [Read more…]

Pretty sure it’s not the heart!


Sorry, I miscalculated, need a few more bucks. Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com

Sorry for the constant blegging, today will be the last day and I’m grateful for any small dollar donation; I’m just so goddamn poor and I’m new at it. There’s always a bill around the corner or something else I forgot about, and I’m not used to running so close to the edge with no safety margin. There’s an entire political party hellbent on punishing people who are already struggling. I’m lucky to have a well read website to bitch about it and readers who care enough to help out. Most people in my situation don’t. So, some good news, because things could always be worse, eh? I’m pretty sure the pain mentioned a few days ago is not a cardiac issue. I’ll still follow up with the cardiologist, but the symptoms have improved with treatment for auto-immune inflammation — which btw can indeed contribute to all kinds of health problems including recovering from cardiovascular surgery. [Read more…]

A sad sign of the anti-science times


Sorry, I miscalculated, need a few more bucks. Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com

My parents were thoughtful. They dutifully stimulated my interest in reading and especially science and math, as a youngster. One of those gifts was a subscription to Popular Science magazine when I was barely ten-years-old. I can still smell the fresh glossy pages and feel the excitement of a future they implied; even the ads were fun for me to read. But at the same time I was learning about planets and atoms, down the hall from my bedroom an older sibling was being quietly indoctrinated by one of many seemingly innocent evangelical Christian outreach efforts aimed at young people, this one was called Young Life, but it was just one among many.

This latest announcement by Popular Science online is an indicator that science and reason still remain locked in an ancient battle with superstition and propaganda, and it’s by no means clear which will prevail: [Read more…]

Ted Cruz, conman, but on whose side?


Paypal email is DarkSydOtheMoon-at-aol.com, thanks!

Last day for my fundraising, and I’ve reached my goal so no pressure, but speaking of fundraising … damn near everything Teaparty Republicans do these days is a scam. Not surprising, the whole movement is a scam, created to appear as a grassroots uprising demanding lower taxes and less regulation on conservative billionaires. So Ted Cruz’s fake filibuster scam, up to and including comparing healthcare to the Nazi Holocaust, is par for the course. It’s still just another scam, but one so clumsy and transparent that even fellow conservative grifters can hardly stand to watch: [Read more…]